Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
christmas gifts <![CDATA[]]>

Babies are quite possibly one of the most troublesome groups as far as finding appropriate gifts – especially when you are looking for a Christmas gift. The trouble with babies is that it is especially hard to find an age-appropriate and useful gift that will not be outgrown in a month’s time. Another difficulty with baby gifts is making the decision as to what type of gift to give – fun for baby or practical for mom and dad, for example. The types of educational toys that are available for babies of a specific age is also something many people consider when looking for a Christmas gift for an infant.

So how should one go about making the final decision on a Christmas gift for baby? First, you need to remember to factor in baby’s parent or parents before doing any serious shopping around. Some parents are very easy-going while others are extremely picky about the types of toys and other materials that their child is exposed to. There are also parents that would be far more appreciative of a gift that was more practical and suited to their needs as parents rather than a gift that baby might or might not enjoy and certainly will not remember playing with later on down the road.

Having said all that, there are still a few wonderful and unique Christmas gift possibilities for babies. The number one thing to consider before buying any type of gift is how old the baby will be when Christmas time arrives. One obvious and avoidable mistake many people make is buying something that is age appropriate at the time the gift is being purchased instead of being appropriate for the time it will be given. Because this is such an easy mistake to make, babies are one group that should sometimes be shopped for closer to Christmas.

Practical gifts are many times the easiest route to take when shopping for a baby – especially someone else’s baby. It is often a good idea to consult with the parents before you do any serious shopping so you can eliminate any unwanted or unneeded items off your “potential gifts” list. Talking with the parents and letting them know ahead of time what you wish to give their baby also keeps them from purchasing the same item in the meantime and keeps you from wasting money on something that the baby already has. Also check – Merry Christmas Images

For the expectant mother there are all kinds of fabulous practical baby gifts one can give for Christmas. Co-sleeper bassinets are growing in popularity because they allow the baby to be right next to mom without intruding on her bed space. This closeness improves mother-child bonding in addition to the added benefit of a more sound sleep for baby. The Co-sleeper bassinet can be purchased for about $129.00 -give or take a few dollars – and is a wonderful item for the expectant mother.

For newborns, a musical rocker/bouncer is a popular item. This item will bounce and rock with baby’s every movement and play soothing music at the same time. Many babies enjoy this piece of practical baby gear because it stimulates their senses. Parents love this item because it calms, soothes, and entertains their child and it can be used by babies from zero to nine months of age (or 20 pounds). This item can be purchased for around $70.00 in stores and online.

A musical mobile is a great gift because it is not only practical but it’s also an educational toy. The music is calming and soothing when baby is fussy and the mobile ornaments help to develop baby’s visual tracking skills. Many musical mobiles also have a projector feature that can be used at nighttime to help lull baby to sleep. A very nice musical mobile can usually be purchased for $36.00 -$45.00 in stores and online.

Another fabulous educational toy for baby is an Activity Gym Mat, which is an activity and discovery center for babies. This item is of similar shape to a camping tent and has several accessory and activity toys placed all around it for stimulating baby’s developing mind. This item can be purchased new for around $60.00 and is a wonderful addition to any baby’s playroom.

Many people choose to purchase books for the baby in their life. While books are a wonderful learning tool for older toddlers, they may not be very practical for an infant unless the parents read to him (or her) on a regular basis already. So, unless that is the case, books should probably be given a couple of years on down the road. For now there are many other stimulating gifts that baby will enjoy and understand much more than books.

Another great Christmas gift idea is the giving of a yearly keepsake for baby. This is the type of gift idea that can be “recycled” for several Happy Christmas seasons on down the road. Dolls, figurines, and stuffed animals are a popular type of childhood keepsake. Giving a yearly keepsake for several years in a row may not have much meaning to a baby or child at the time, but will later become a treasured collection that is unique to him or her. Many such keepsake collections also gain monetary value over time if kept whole and in good condition. Prices for such things vary greatly, so you just have to shop around to find the right keepsake collection for the special baby on your Christmas list.

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