Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
Do Toddlers need blue light glasses

Children spending more and more time on digital screens are one of the biggest worries of parents nowadays. The rise of remote learning, combined with the ubiquitous use of cell phones, tablets, and computers in households, has resulted in an exponential increase in screen time.

New health impacts are emerging as children spend more and more time in front of digital screens. There are two most typical side effects of increased screen time: Poor sleep patterns and technological eye pain.

Is blue light, on either extreme, the real cause of digitised eye pain and sleeplessness?
Blue light is not linked to symptoms of digital eye strain, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology and much research. According to current scientific findings, blue light filtering lenses are ineffective in reducing symptoms of digital eye strain.
Blue light competes with the body’s generation of melatonin, which has been shown to harm sleep quality. This can throw off your circadian pattern, causing insomnia. As a result, a variety of issues, including antisocial behaviour and depression, may arise.
Early research has revealed that limiting blue light exposure before bedtime can enhance sleep quality. Kids’ blue light glasses, according to one study, can boost job involvement and performance levels.

Are Toddlers Okay to Wear Blue Light Filtering Eyewear?
Yes, children can wear blue light blocking glasses.. But remember that kids’ blue light blocking glasses will not aid youngsters with signs of digital eye strain.

Here Are Some of the Health Advantages
Decreased exposure to blue light can help children’s sleep cycles and sleep habits. Limiting screen time is the greatest way to do this. However, banning the use of mobile devices and televisions in the evening is impossible for many families.
Another approach to help decrease your child’s exposure to blue light from digital screens is to use blue light filtering eyewear. Wear them for at least three hours before bedtime to help your child’s melatonin levels and sleep quality.

Do blue light glasses for children work?
Blue light glasses are one technique to protect your child’s eyes against blue light at home and school. Blue-light-filtering glasses are produced for both pharmaceutical and semi versions.
Blue light glasses for kids  filter out a specific range of light wavelengths, reducing the risk of digital eye strain in children. While blue light glasses do not completely block all blue light, they can cut a child’s exposure to blue-violet rays by up to 80%. Parents may wish to consider restricting screen time for younger children and investing in blue light spectacles for children aged 12 and above or younger children who spend hours a day staring at screens. 

Additional Ways to Keep Children’s Eyes in Good Health
There are various other strategies to preserve your child’s health and decrease digital eye strain besides using blue light blocking glasses before bed:

1) Control Your Screen Time
– Managing children’s screen time is one of the most difficult challenges parents confront in today’s digital environment. There is relatively little scientific research to help parents assess how much screen time is “healthy.” Furthermore, digital interactions are becoming increasingly important in education.

The following points might help you: – 

  • Limit time on screen to video chatting with an adult until the baby is 18 months old.
  • Between the ages of 18 and 24, screen use should be limited to academic material viewed with a caregiver.
  • During meal times and trips, turn off all screens.
  • 30-60 minutes before night, turn off devices and eliminate them from bedrooms.
  • Avoid using computers as baby toys, nannies, or to quiet down toddlers who are experiencing outbursts.
  • Give kids gamer glasses while they are playing games on virtual devices.

2) The 20-20-20 Rule must be observed
– Take a 20-minute pause from your virtual machine. For 20 seconds, gaze on an item at least 20 feet away. Stand up and flex your neck and back while doing this exercise to ease any tightness.


3) Organise Their Work
– Set the computer’s screen to be 15 to 20 degrees below eye height in the middle. Position the computer screen at least 20 inches away from your toddler. Alternatively, a tablet or smaller device should be no more than 16 inches away. Try expanding the lettering on the screen if you notice them leaning in closer to view.

4) Instead of contacts, wear glasses
– When your child is using a screen, ensure they are using glasses rather than contact lenses if they require vision correction. Contact lenses can result in irritation.


5) Anti-Glare Protection must be used
– On conventional and internet glasses, an anti-reflective coating is provided. Glare from your digital device can also be reduced by using matte displays or screen covers.


To sum up, blue light spectacles block a particular part of different wavelengths and can aid in the prevention of digital eye strain in children. While blue light glasses do not completely block all blue light, they can cut your child’s exposure to blue-violet rays by up to 80%. Kids blue light blocking glasses include specific lenses that block certain light waves, perhaps protecting children’s developing eyes from digital eye strain. Blue light lenses can have a faint yellow tint to them. Prescription and non-prescription glasses with blue-light-filtering lenses are available in kid-sized frames.

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