Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
Restyling swimming pool this summer

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has listed Alzheimer’s as the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. Death Certificate reports had revealed that there were over 83,494 deaths in 2010 accounted for with this disease. One person develops Alzheimer’s in the United States every 66 seconds as they age, and in Long Island, the number of individuals over the age of 60 is on the rise. Statistics reveal that by 2024, one-third of Nassau County’s residents are turning over 60, and the Suffolk County’s residents will be slightly lower, with the number being at 26% for individuals crossing 60 years old.

This change in population growth for Long Island’s residents will lead to an increase in Alzheimer’s cases for families and individuals on Long Island. For those who are new to the disease and live in Long Island, here are a few tips on how to manage Alzheimer’s:

  1. Learn About the Disease

Before even beginning your caregiving journey, be prepared. Learn what you can about Alzheimer’s and its different stages of progression, so you know what to expect. As the years go by, there is going to be a decline in cognitive and physical skills. When functional regression sets in and they require 24/7 care, you won’t be able to support their independence. There are different types of Alzheimer’s home care services in Long Island, that can help you.

  1. Get Help

It’s not easy caring for someone with Alzheimer’s. There will be times when you simply feel overwhelmed, going shopping for groceries, and managing the house. If you have family members who can lend a hand, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Take time off to spend some time on your hobbies and interests. If you’re not taking care of yourself, you will burn out. Alzheimer’s home care services in Long Island help you to take a break and ease into your daily life when it comes to caregiving.

  1. Attend Workshops and Join Support Groups

There’s no step-by-step guide when it comes to caregiving for someone with Alzheimer’s. You may find yourself struggling to cope with their newfound behaviors and can’t handle it emotionally. This is why you should attend workshops and learn skills relevant to caregiving for Alzheimer’s.

Joining support groups will let you connect with others who have faced the same problems. You can learn from their experiences and get new insights for your caregiving methodology.

  1. Explore the Island

Homecare services for patients with Alzheimer’s are state-of-the-art. The island offers many recreational activities, and there are sunbathing spots at the beaches. The Suffolk Cooperative Library System has seven branches, and annual events like the National Pizza month make staying there a lively experience. Two main international airports connect to the island along with ferries and charters, which makes traveling to the destination easy.

The National Census Bureau of Statistics has dubbed Long Island to be one of the safest places to live. There are many police and sheriff departments throughout the island with The Nassau County Police Department patrolling the destination, thus making crime rates extremely low.

Once families realize how safe and relaxing the island is for home care and treatment, it becomes clear that Long Island is the ideal destination for enrolling loved ones into Alzheimer’s home care services.


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