Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
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Event Blogging Case Study : How I Earned 200$ to 2 Days :You are here means you are pretty much interested in Event Blogging. In this post, I am going to share my secret of earning 235$ dollar in 2 days.

yes, it is true.

Event Blogging Case Study 2018
Event Blogging Case Study


Because of event blogging. Event blog is a blog which is set up for a particular event. Now I am planning to Rank my new website for a new year. I will share step by step process of ranking and be making money from Event Blogging.

So let’s start my secret recipe of ranking event blog on google 1st page:

Checkout this also Top 10 Most Popular WordPress Theme

Selecting event:

The first and most important thing in event blogging is selecting the event. Big bloggers select big event like a new year, Christmas and football world cup tournament. But if you are a beginner then go for a small event like independence day, Raksha Bandhan and do practice for how things work.

Top Events To Adopt:

  • Valentine’s day
  • T20
  • IPL
  • HOLI
  • apple event live blog
  • microsoft event live blog

Checkout this also

WordPress vs Blogger which one should I choose

Finding the Right domain:

This is one of the main things which you have to do in event blogging. Make an excel sheet and find most searched keyword for that event in last year. Now it is time to make a plan. Finding the main keyword.

After this, you have to find the perfect domain or name which include Targeted keyword in your website domain name. This tactic help you to rank fast.


Finding hosting service

If you are a beginner then you can go to a blogger website. But blogger website not ranked fast as compared to the paid cloud hosting website. I will suggest to host your website on WordPress and purchased domain. This will surely help you.

Some free hosting service:

  • Bloggers
  • WordPress
  • com
  • com
  • com
  • com
  • com
  • com
  • com
  • com
  • com

Choosing a write Thame

You are doing an event blogging because you want to make money. So make sure you are choosing a right theme for your website. A theme should be Responsive which shows high CPC Ads.


Writing a post

After setting up your WordPress site, now you have to upload some of the posts. Make sure your all post are keyword optimize and they are written in the way that they can rank in google.

I will suggest writing an article with at least 2000 word.


Link building

The most important thing in event blogging is link building. You have a website. You have a well-written blog post. But, it is time for ranking your blog post in google. For this, I will suggest doing some black hat thing. Buy pbn link, do lots of comment, try a guest post.

You can also submit your blog to directories. This will help you to rank your website in google

event blogging

Mistake Made by me

  1. use google Trend to find trending keyword for last year
  2. Proper monetizing Ads network
  3. Not using affiliate marketing
  4. Not using viral scripting Codes for wishes site



In event blogging, the most important thing is to ranking your website in number one on google. Believe me, this is very simple. You have to take some efforts for this. And within a month, you will start ranking first on the google page.

If you know any other tactics which work for you then make sure you suggest us in the comment box. For any question please ask in the comment box, we will try to answer your question. Share this post with others and let them know about this beautiful post.

Cheers !!


By admin

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