Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
Facebook: a platform to pull in video views <![CDATA[Facebook]]>

At present Facebook has a user statista of 2.23 billion. That is probably one-fourth of the world population. It is the largest platform to share anything that you want to share with hundreds of people. This means that it can act as one of the biggest media to help explore the world.

When coming to talk about youtube, it says “broadcast yourself” which means to explore your talent and let it loose to the world. As youtube is also a very large platform to showcase your talent.

Coming to a thought, what if facebook and youtube can be linked together? What if you can share your video on facebook to obviously increase the views on your video?

This is now possible with amazing features as facebook linker youtube online free, which allows you to link your youtube channel with your Facebook profile page. So suppose you have around 1000 subscribers on your youtube channel and around 2000 friends on facebook. If you use the linker, you can share your video with 3000 people rather than just using youtube as a platform and sharing with just 1000 people. This means that your video is now being watched by a lot more people.

So obviously, Facebook is a great platform to pull in video views. All you need to keep in mind is the right to use fblinker. Just keep in mind that while you are sharing your video on facebook do not share the link of your video in the post with your thumbnail. Now, what does this means? When you publish the thumbnail of your video as your “post”, do not share the link of your video. If you do so, people will be able to see your video but by using Facebook”s screen that is the views will not be counted in your youtube channel. To get rid of this, go to the comment section of your recent post, paste the URL of your video here along with the thumbnail of the video and an elaborate description of your video.

Once you have done this, click on the link. Facebook should now take you to your channel page and there your video will be played and each view will be counted in.

As we all know, the more the video is shared the more it will be viewed and there cannot be any better social media platform and marketing tools other than Facebook to do so as it is the most used social media platform and even the most trusted one. Also when you link your youtube with your facebook, you can eventually increase your subscribers. Since youtube acknowledges people with 100k subscribers and more than that, this gives you a motivation to put in more efforts in your video. Just make sure that the thumbnail of your video is very attractive as that is the first key to attract viewers to your youtube video and also to keep your video in the top ranks of youtube search engines.

By admin

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