Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
healthcare app developers healthcare app developers

More than 748 million Indians are expected to own a smartphone by 2020, and 1.5 billion people throughout the world are expected to hold a smartphone by 2040.

Those figures represent an excellent opportunity for Johnson & Johnson, which is at the vanguard of change, to engage with people, empower them with new information and services they need, and ultimately save lives.

What does the term “mHealth” mean? Why is this important?

In the field of “mHealth,” the use of mobile phones and other wireless technologies to improve health outcomes is referred to as “mHealth,” and Johnson & Johnson has been at the forefront of this movement since its start as a founding member of the Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action (MAMA).

For Instance: “MomConnect, a mobile service for pregnant women in South Africa, was one of the first projects with MAMA. MomConnect has grown to be the most extensive program of its sort ever in the first two years after its start. Mothers living with HIV have received more help in South Africa since the launch of MomConnect in 2012.”

There are a lot of similarities between “MomConnect and “Mitra” in India now. Through this healthcare app design, voice calls are made twice a week to pregnant women and new mothers in their chosen language and at their preferred time of day. They are also personalized to match the stage of their pregnancy and develop their child’s cognitive abilities.

  1. Patient-Centered Care

●       There has been a rise in customized medicine in recent years as we’ve become more conscious of the importance of genetics in determining health. As a result, it is a priority to design healthcare solutions that put patients first.

For example, Johnson & Johnson Health Partner, a new platform we launched recently, allows patients to receive crucial care whenever and wherever they need it across different channels and devices.

Patients contemplating surgery have access to information on a website, a mobile app, and even a portal that allows real-time communication between doctors and patients.

●       And by evaluating patient data over time, it is essential to develop therapy regimens tailored to each patient’s specific needs. Patients psychologically, physically, and emotionally prepared for surgery have a better prognosis for a quick recovery.

According to December 2021, the Ping An Insurance Group’s Ping A Good Doctor app has about 11.5 million monthly active users, making it the most popular medical app in China. Online appointment scheduling and a health-related discussion forum are only some of the features of the mobile platform.

Twelve thousand healthcare service providers were listed on this smartphone app in April 2018. Aside from saving time in the hospital, these prominent medical applications have been popular in China due to their ability to improve patient-doctor contact.

  1. Mobile Health and Wellness Apps for the Everyday User

In the last few years, the demand of healthcare mobile app development companies has risen dramatically. In 2019, the worldwide telemedicine market was estimated to be worth $50 billion. According to the projections, the market will reach a value of almost 460 billion dollars by 2030.

Growth in the market has been spurred on by various causes, such as rising traditional health care prices, more excellent telemedicine financing, and a rise in online health users. However, the COVID-19 pandemic was the most recent catalyst.

●       Johnson & Johnson’s Official 7-Minute Workout App has been downloaded more than two million times since its debut in 2014 when it was launched. More than 1,000 training variations are included in this app. You only need a chair, a wall, and your body weight to get started. Medical devices and diagnostics segment revenue from Johnson & Johnson’s surgery business will reach $9.8 billion in 2021.  Orthopedics was the second-largest field in the segment that year, bringing about $8.6 billion in revenue.

●       And as a result of the app’s popularity, Johnson & Johnson 7 Minute Wellness for Expecting and New MomsTM was just launched. There are free, science-based wellness programs for pregnant and postpartum moms suited to their specific fitness and energy levels and the week they are in their pregnancies or postnatal phases.

  1. Combating All-Too-Common Diseases with Everyday Technology

Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and other disorders have a devastating impact on worldwide human health. NCDs currently account for 70% of all deaths worldwide, according to the WHO. Non-communicable diseases accounted for 84% of all fatalities in Bahrain in 2017. Diabetes was the leading cause of non-communicable death in Bahrain at the time.

●       For this reason, there is an increase in the availability of apps like QuitNowTXT. The smartphone app uses Text-based mobile interventions to deliver actionable information about quitting smoking to smokers.

●       With the Care4Today Connect app, you can check how well you’ve been adhering to your medication and nutrition plans and track trends in blood glucose. You and your doctor may now make more informed decisions and share the joy of a successful health outcome.

  1. Wearable technology

●       Many wearable mHealth devices monitor biometric data, such as smartwatches and earbuds, skin patches, glucose sensors, and other small gadgets. Patients’ clinically significant physiologic data such as temperature, blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, blood glucose, and electrocardiogram (ECG) signal, as well as physical activity level and sleep pattern in response to environmental changes during patients’ daily activities can be tracked and recorded by these devices in a discreet, non-invasive, constant manner.

●       Various mHealth technologies are often combined to treat specific medical issues. Using mobile applications, wearable sensors, or electronic monitors, data collecting systems on the web can upload health data and clinical images.

The mHealth services and devices market in India is expected to grow from 2014 to 2020. It is predicted that India’s health services market will be valued at $435 million in 2019.


Additionally, it can communicate knowledge that other researchers and developers can use to improve the technology and its overall impact. Companies concentrate their digital efforts on the aspects of health care interactions that matter most to patients: the provider’s experience and cost.

It is possible to increase digital adoption by focusing on what matters most to customers and earning their consent to engage them in other ways through digital means by focusing on what matters most to customers.

Flutter Agency is a trustworthy team of healthcare app developers offers complicated healthcare apps solutions. Their healthcare app services cover the entire application lifecycle. App development for healthcare software using iOS, Android, and cross-platform technology is available.

Read also : wpc2025  . 

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