Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
lactose intolerance

You may find choosing the right baby formula is overwhelming. This is not limited to new mums, because even the experienced ones feel the same. The baby aisles in supermarkets teem with many different brands.  In Australia, all baby formulas follow strict guidelines.

That’s not to say baby formulae are the same as the contents vary. S-26 Alula is derived from cow’s milk and has two proteins; whey and casein. However, it is whey dominant and has fatty, mineral and carbohydrates components. These ingredients are gentle on your baby’s gut. And this baby formula protects your baby through boosting the immune system. It also promotes your baby’s growth and development.

Here are some tips to guide you on choosing the right formula for your baby:


You may choose to formula feed your baby based on personal choices, convenience, medical reasons or supplementary needs for your breast milk. You need to study the ingredients in the baby formula. You’ll find that if you baby is under weight, then a formula with soy bean is ideal. Soy based formulas are excellent for baby’s that have an allergy to dairy products. “However, if you don’t want to settle for regular over-the-counter options, you might want to take a look at organic certified and golden standard quality baby formulas from Europe – such as Kendamil Goat Stage 2.

On the other hand, you may have low milk supply. You may want to supplement your breast milk.  The right baby formula must adequately substitute your mature breast milk. It needs to contain lactose which is a complex carbohydrate that helps your baby’s gut process calcium and mineral.  And, it strengthens your baby’s immune system.

Your baby may be allergic to lactose. Does this mean there is nothing on the market if your baby has an allergy? A good brand will cater for the specific needs of your baby. Also, your baby may have other issues with lactose. You need a baby formula that is specific for lactose intolerance. The right baby formula also works if your baby’s system can’t properly digest lactose.

Another essential ingredient for optimal brain development are fatty oils. Your baby formula needs to contain sunflower oil, palm coconut oil and soybean oil. These are excellent for your baby’s metabolic needs. You may assume that baby formulas are standard. Yes, they may have the basic essential ingredients. But they differ in composition. The right baby formula needs to meet your baby’s specific needs. It is important that you study the ingredients before making a decision.

Easy to Use.

Baby formula is a manufactured product. There must be an indication of the expiry date on a container. You need to read the instructions thoroughly and make sure you understand them.

Baby formula comes in two forms, namely liquid and powder. Both need you to add water as it helps the baby’s digestion. It is recommended that you prepare the formula just before feeding your baby.

Here are some common questions.

Does the manufacturer tell you how to store your prepared baby formula? Do you need to put it in the fridge, and if so, for how long? A twenty-four period is recommended. Are you using your baby formula for supplementing? Or, is your baby over 6 months and may need you to offer some solid food? Do you need to warm the formula? Do the instructions give you a straight forward method on how to do this?

There are options such as bottle warmers. Or perhaps you can place the bottle in a container of hot water to warm to body temperature. Choose a baby formula that not only meets the required nutritional standards but also simplifies your formula feeds, and is easy to understand. You can use this guide to help decide if your choices for baby formula are the right ones.


As you decide on your baby formula choice, do some manufacturer research. How long have they been in operation? This isn’t to say that new brands are not legitimate. But you also want to make decisions for the longer term. You have a growing baby and you need reassurance throughout.

Is it a trusted brand? Have they had previous issues with baby formula feeds? If you do research based on these open-ended questions, you’ll know if it’s the right baby formula. It will also give you an idea on the safety of their products.

Remember, your baby is growing and their nutritional needs change. Does your baby formula have provision for these changes? More importantly, can you find your baby formula easily? Is it available at your local supermarket, or elsewhere if you travel further afield?

Choose a formula that is readily available from a reliable source, so consider the above tips to make an informed choice. It will help to speak with your pediatrician if you have concerns about your baby’s digestion or nutrition. Your child is growing and developing, so make sure your baby formula meets the ever-changing needs of your baby.

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