Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

If you are looking to sell your home, you need to ensure you improve your home’s kerb appeal. It is quite a crucial process that will ensure you fetch the correct value for the home—knowing what to do can present a challenge to several people.

Not everyone is an interior designer and knowing what to do comes automatically to you. You need a few pointers in the right direction if you are going to do it right. If you don’t know what to do, below you will find the best ways to improve your home’s kerb appeal.

TuneUp the Exterior

Regardless of your house, you need to ensure you retouch the house’s exterior if you are going to improve the appeal. For most people, the exterior of the home is what makes them want to buy the house. If you don’t make it appealing to them, they won’t even consider it.

If the exterior was getting a bit old, you need to start the process of turning it up a bit. You are likely to fetch a better price when you do away with the old exterior. You can also add a few improvements, but your main aim should be to improve the exterior.

This is one of the most expensive undertakings when you want to improve your home’s kerb appeal. But it is likely to be the most rewarding one too. You will shell out a few thousand for this, especially if your property is enormous.

Maintain Windows

If you don’t have the budget to do the whole exterior of the house, you can do a few things. The first thing you can do is maintain the window; you can also do some repainting to them. This can cover up for the old exterior if you have one.

If you have metal window shutters, they are likely to be getting old; you will need to make significant improvements. You may find some damaged parts on the windows; ensure you fix them. This can go a long way in improving the appeal.

When you have black shutters for windows, they would have lost some of their appeals if you don’t maintain them. Now is the time to paint them and have them looking sharp. It will make the whole house look better, and the buyers will be looking at the house at its best.

Improve the Front Door

The welcoming part of the house is the front door, and you need to ensure it is welcoming enough – to any visitor. When you revamp this part of your house, it will send a clear statement to your guests and your potential buyers too. When it’s all about convincing a buyer, the front door will earn you points.

According to Barbara Corcoran, an American property tycoon, a buyer will make up their mind within the first eight seconds. What are they to see in those eight seconds? The front door, of course, is how they came in. before you can wow them with the exterior and other parts, the front door should have sold them on.

It would help if you looked at refinishing to improve the weather-beaten door on your front steps. A quick revamp with just paints can make the whole front look like a new house. You also need to ensure that all the dirt there is no longer there too.

Manicure the Garden

If you have a garden, it can be a great way to sell the idea to the buyers, but waiting can also be a disaster. When the garden is not well-done, you will find it hard to sell the house – even for a smaller value drop. It will even look suspect when the value is lower than the market commands.

When the value is maintained, an untidy garden will do you no favors. Forget the back garden and all; you need to look more towards the front garden. This is one that you need to maintain and ensure is appealing to any potential buyer.

Many of the buyers you encounter will have a pre-determined mind the moment they see the garden. No one will see the potential for the property if the garden isn’t well-maintained. They will all assume the interior isn’t any better when they see an untidy front garden.

If there are any plants in the garden, they need to be in shape and look appealing. The buyer will picture their own garden looking that good when looking at your well-kept one. It will ensure they are sold on the idea before they get to the interior of the house.

Fix Broken Gates, Fences, and Gutters

Fixing up the exterior seems ideal, and you need to go on to those spots you think won’t be noticeable. You need to ensure the fence, gutters, and gates sparkle as much as the other parts of the house. A quick repainting job should be the beginning.

Once you finish painting, you need to move on to the fixing of broken parts. These outside parts of the house are likely to be weather-beaten and are likely to be out of shape. If you can’t fix them, you can replace them with new ones.

Some of the things you need to be looking at are gutter hanging off their fixes. This is something you can fix on your own; get the right tools and spares. Gate is off hinges; this is another part of the exterior you want to look at carefully.

The last aspect of this inspection is damaged fences. All these, even when it’s only one part, can reduce the value of your home. Take a day off and take care of these issues; you can even get a handyperson to help you with the parts you cannot fix on your own.


Your home’s kerb appeal is the one that will ensure you sell your house at the right price. It can also be a way to make all your guests feel welcome to the house. These are some of the ways you can use to increase your home’s kerb appeal.

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