Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

A daily battle that mothers wage with their children, especially children who have recently enrolled in school and are not accustomed to the rituals of the school year, and to perform the many homework and endless activities and experiences.

Many mothers are confused about making their children love studying and homework, and they find it difficult. There are children who do not accept any alternative to play and entertainment, and mothers cannot properly control them.


Hate studying

Pupils ’hatred for studying did not come out of anywhere. There are reasons that make students hate studying, especially children, in a compulsory thing they are not used to, says Dr. Kamal Mogheeth, an educational expert and researcher at the National Center for Educational Research.

“The schoolchildren find that studying and homework help is compulsory on both sides, mothers, and fathers at home, and teachers at school, so they hate the thing they are forced to,” he added.


Threat and punishment

Some mothers and teachers may resort to using threatening and punishing methods with their children to force them to study and finish their duties, and here Dr. Samia Khader, a professor of sociology, warns against using such methods, especially with children, pointing out that this immediately leads to the children’s reluctance to study And their sense that this is a burden and a heavy thing, and studying turns from a way to succeed into a way to avoid punishment because of their fear.


Hard work

Some mothers, fathers and pupils believe that teachers assign pupils large quantities of homework, which is often difficult for them, and here Dr. Kamal Moghaeth points to the need to take care of students in assigning them to school homework and not make it a hard work for them to avoid the hatred of education.


The Home Work sufficiency

Salma Muhammad, a guardian, said that there are some teachers assigning pupils to many and difficult school duties, noting that this makes the pupils hate school duties, especially children, in addition to the mother’s suffering in solving the duties with the son, saying: “Sufficiency is the burden and the thigh is difficult and cannot be saved In the whole articles. ”

Shaima Abdel-Hadi, a parent, explains that repetition in school assignments is not preferred because it is difficult for children at the beginning, pointing out that repetition makes students feel bored and tired of school meals.

Fatima Muhammad, a kindergarten teacher, points out the need to take into account the different level of understanding and perception of pupils, especially in the first three years of their enrollment in school, explaining that children must be trained step by step and not cost them beyond their ability because they do not feel difficult and hopeless.


Responsibility of both parties

Both Mughith and Khader agreed that mothers, fathers and teachers are the two parties responsible for pupils ’study, love and hate for them, as mothers are responsible for caring for their children’s study inside the home and loving them to study and not forcing them to do so, in addition to delivering the main goal of studying and school duties to the children, which is success and learning And excel to reach higher jobs and positions and achieve self.

Dr. Kamal Mogheeth pointed out that the role of teachers is important inside and outside the school, explaining that the teacher is able to endear the student in school, study and assignments using the correct methods, good handling, and the use of reward before punishment.

He added that the teacher has a role outside the school as well, the educational expert explains that the teacher’s role outside the school is to assign students to reasonable and clear school duties, and not to have a lot of arduous work for them.

1 – Reward before punishment

The educational expert says that it is necessary to use the method of reward before punishment, explaining that pupils, especially children in the early school years, love praise, gifts, thanks and encouragement before and after studying, doing homework, and avoiding the method of punishment at the beginning.


2- Understanding and increasing children’s awareness

Dr. Samia Khader stresses the need for mothers to understand and increase awareness among their children of what is meant by education, school and study, and that this is essential for self-realization, success and dreams, pointing out that this develops the love of study for children, especially children.


3 – Encouraging children

Dr. Kamal Moghaith explains that encouraging children to study and not belittling them is imperative, to instill a love of studying within them.


4 – Diversity, creativity and colors

A sociology professor points out that using various ideas in studying and school homework is an easy way for students to study and do homework, pointing out that coloring, delivery and practical assignments that contain creative ideas make the student creative, able to innovate, and enthusiastic for studying.


5 – Follow-up of parents

The educational expert pointed out that it is essential to follow up and help parents of their children and follow up their performance level inside the school and at home in studying, homework and weekly tests.


6 – Make time for entertainment

Both the sociology professor and the educational expert agreed to allocate time for entertainment for the children after studying and completing homework.

By james vines

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