Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
BathroomHow To Take Care Of Bathroom Enamel

Bathroom vanities online store New Bathroom Style knows the bathroom needs a lot of attention and care. It is tough to clean the bath’s surface from dirt if it has been used for many years. The glossy enamel on the walls has been wiped off and turned into rough like paper. If you choose the right care product, cleaning the bath is quite simple, although it takes longer. Haste and thoughtless use of all existing means can cause irreparable damage to 36 Inch bathroom vanity to the bath’s surface and your new unique bathroom vanities  


To choose the right product that allows you to clean the bathtub’s surface effectively, it is necessary to distinguish which substances and conditions caused the formation of a dirty coating. The main culprits that cause bathtubs to lose their snow-white appearance over time can be listed according to the amount of damage caused and the difficulties encountered in cleaning enamel or acrylic: Household dust and salts dissolved in tap water. They account for up to 80% of all dirt and yellow deposits on the snow-white surface of the bath. It is almost impossible to clean the walls mechanically; Organic soil and microflora are present in the water. 

The microorganism bath is the most attractive and convenient place to establish a colony on the floor and the walls of the bathroom; Fatty “traces” includes the epithelium washed off the skin and the remnants of detergents, soaps, and shampoos, which the bath does not change color, but at the same time it becomes overgrown with an invisible waxy coating; The most straightforward inspection, an attempt to clean the plaque on the surface of the bath with a sponge or brush with hot purified water will help you figure out what the tub is contaminated with, and what means are easiest to remove plaque without the risk of damaging the enamel or acrylic. Note! If the tub unexpectedly changes color, then before trying to clean the plaque’s surface, it is necessary to treat the wall seams and joints with a disinfectant from the fungus. Even if the bathtub walls are cleaned to a shine with some branded composition, traces and drops of detergent always remain on the seam. 

Germs will migrate from the tiles and seams in the future, and the bath will be re-populated with freshly cleaned parasites. Yellow or gray-yellow plaque is formed due to the precipitation of calcium-magnesium salts and microparticles of iron oxides. But mineral mud always combines with dust and detergent residues. This whole set penetrates deep into micropores and becomes cemented. A folkway to protect the bath involves installing a magnetic filter that traps most of the salts. The bathtub is protected from dust with an ordinary polyethylene film. But still, soapy dirt must be regularly cleaned from the walls. In the absence of a complex, abrasive salt film and dirty-brown house dust, the walls of an acrylic bath can be washed in 10 minutes of work. 


If you don’t have a tried and tested folk remedy that has kept your bath in perfect condition for many years, it is best to clean the walls with a branded, ready-made product. The bath sparkles, it is necessary to clean the enamel at least once a week; Liquid has an antibacterial effect, but due to the high activity of the product, it is imperative to use gloves, and at least three times after cleaning the bath should be spilled with hot water; “Whiteness,” a weak aqueous solution of alkali metal perchlorates. With skillful hands, the tub can be cleaned no worse than expensive gels or pastes; Cleaning products based on powders and pastes. Soda allows you to clean very stubborn dirt, but you should not abuse it or use it for soft acrylic. Otherwise, the bath will quickly lose its surface gloss. Before using a branded detergent on a bathtub’s surface, testing its performance on less valuable items, such as wall tiles, is crucial. Following the traces, you can determine how many times it is necessary to wash off the surface to completely clean the bath from the remnants of the chemical preparation. It is simply impossible to see a trace of detergent on light acrylic enamel. 


The problem of cleaning the yellow limescale from the bath walls is solved at home with what is at hand, without toxic chemicals. The easiest option is to make a cocktail of vinegar, window cleaner, and a small amount of potassium soap. If you do not overdo it with a brush with stiff bristles, then the bath walls can be cleaned without damage in 20-25 minutes. 


Baking soda is often used as a soluble abrasive, which can quickly clean mechanical contamination and remove limescale. It is difficult to remove old rust with soda, but new plaque can be cleaned entirely or lightened several times. 

Advice! Before you try homemade chemicals or expensive detergents on the bath’s surface, be sure to degrease and clean the walls with baking soda and potassium soap. The only drawback of the product is increased wear of the enamel. The bath begins to turn black due to the translucence of the metal through a thin enamel coating. 


 Table vinegar with a strength of 9%, preferably vinegar essence, diluted with purified water in a ratio of 1:3, can effectively clean old lime deposits and remove yellow magnesium and rusty glandular stains. The bath should be rinsed several times with hot water to remove acid salts and acetates during operation. With robust solutions, you need to work under a hood and be sure to wear rubber gloves since the essence can cause severe burns to the skin of the hands. The acrylic bath walls can be cleaned with a 10-15% solution of acetic nature with parallel rinsing with hot water. Vinegar with a 3-5% strength is useless for cleaning enamels. 


Cleaners based on citric acid powder are much more active. The bath can be periodically cleaned with a solution of 10 g of lemon in a glass of boiling water or soft water. Works no worse than branded salt removers. In addition, a citric acid paste is much more convenient to work with than caustic vinegar solutions. It is enough to apply to the stain and rub thoroughly with a brush with stiff nylon bristles to clean rust and calcium-magnesium deposits. 

An acrylic bath is cleaned with a small amount of lemon gruel. All this can be left for 20-30 minutes, then washed off first with a weak vinegar solution, and then rinsed with hot water and baking soda. It is even better to clean rust and plaque with adipic and oxalic Acid. Still, both products are unsafe for human health, so the bath should be washed 3-4 times with hot water after cleaning. Moreover, at a price, cleaning the walls with lemon is several times more expensive than with adipic Acid. 


Cast iron, steel, and faience bath can be cleaned with more caustic soda ash. A freshly prepared slurry of soda ash with liquid soap and boiling water is second only to acids and organic solvents in terms of the effectiveness of removing soap and fatty contaminants. The acrylic bath is covered with a cleansing composition for 20-30 minutes. And washed off with hot water. The enameled surface of the tub can be scrubbed as much as necessary. 

Contrary to popular belief, soda ash does not remove the enamel layer, penetrates well into micropores, and remains in them for a long time. 


Aqueous ammonia solution has a pronounced alkaline reaction, but alkali weakly removes lime deposits and metal oxides. Ammonia can be used as a No. 2 remedy in cases where the bath has been repeatedly cleaned with vinegar, lemon, or any branded cleanser. Ammonia is one of the few products that can effectively wash away house dust and remnants of the skin epithelium from the walls. 

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