Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
Indian goverment on Wednesday warned facebook ceo Mark Zuckerberg - - against ' facebook data leaked  ' and said that he can be summoned if needed. <![CDATA[Indian goverment on Wednesday warned facebook ceo Mark Zuckerberg - - against ' facebook data leaked  ' and said that he can be summoned if needed.]]>

what is cambridge analytica, facebook data stolen The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), an independent government body charged with ensuring that companies abide by their own privacy policies, is looking at whether Facebook violated a 2011 consent decree after media reports alleged that it had handed the data ..Between 2013 and 2015, Cambridge Analytica harvested profile data from millions of Facebook users, without those users’ permission, and used that data to build a massive targeted marketing database based on each user’s individual likes and interests. Using a personality profiling methodology, the company — formed by high-powered right-wing investors for just this purpose — began offering its profiling system to dozens of political campaigns. CA was able to procure this data in the first place thanks to a loophole in Facebook’s API that allowed third-party developers to collect data not only from users of their apps but from all of the people in those users’ friends network on Facebook. This access came with the stipulation that such data couldn’t be marketed or sold — a rule CA promptly violated. Facebook bears a huge amount of culpability for allowing CA to get its data to begin with. However, reports calling CA’s data harvesting a “leak,” a “hack,” or a serious violation of Facebook policy are all incorrect. All of the information collected by the company was information that Facebook had freely allowed mobile developers to access. And technically, anyone who used third-party Facebook apps also could have found out that they were allowing those apps to see data from their friends’ profiles. As a Facebook spokesperson reiterated to the New York Times, “No systems were infiltrated, and no passwords or sensitive pieces of information were stolen or hacked.”  ]]>

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