Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Instagram Stories launched in 2016 and reshaped the world’s largest social media platform with photos, Boomerangs, and videos that disappear within 24 hours of being posted. The best and most-loved photo-sharing app, Instagram has perfectly added story features to its news feed. Instagram Taps is a feature that plays a crucial role in giving an insight into story traffic.

Instagram stories lie at the top of the news feed page. Here you can see and create stories. It has become the most effective way to keep your brand top-of-mind no matter regardless of the Instagram algorithm. Perfection with Instagram stories (Instagram Promotions) is that it is a great source of content that can run parallel to your grid’s brand messaging while bringing a unique perspective.

Instagram understands the requirements of its users and tirelessly works for improvements. Since 2016, Instagram stories have evolved to a great extent. Features like Stories Highlights, Instagram taps, and See All Stories have proven their worth.

With unique FOMO-driven content, Instagram stories allow you to tackle. It has become an integral part of brands and businesses on Instagram. Having said that, you must be wondering how to track the performance of your Stories and pinpoint what people are engaging with. This post presents you one of the best and the unique type of metrics for Stories: Instagram Taps.

Stories and General Posts

Before we start pondering on how to track and analyze Instagram stories with Instagram Taps, essential is to differentiate between IG stories and posts.

General posts on Instagram that you post are shown in the news feed and remain there as long as you keep them. The only way to remove them is by deleting them, manually. These posts can be shared with friends, private people, and with the public as well. Simply put, Instagram posts can be added, edited, shared, and deleted.

On the other hand, Instagram Stories is a unique feature that can be added, edited, and shared once only. It remains available for your audience for 24 hours once set. After 24 hours, Instagram automatically removes it.

So, the major difference is that Instagram stories will be removed after 24 hours automatically. But Instagram posts remain on your page as long as you want them to.

Instagram Taps: The Stories Metrics

Unlike general posts, Instagram Stories don’t have shares, likes, or comments. Moreover, there are no saves as well. For every business and brand on Instagram, all these metrics are crucial. These metrics help them in their strategy making, planning, and advertising process.

Instagram Stories comes with their own set of ways to interact. Theses set of ways or metrics are called Instagram Taps. IG stories have four kinds of Taps: taps forward, taps backward, replies, and exits.

Tap forward shows the number of times a viewer tapped the right side of the screen to go to the next story.

Tap backward tells the number of times a viewer tapped the left side of the screen to rewatch the previous story.

Exit stands for the number of time viewers scrolls to news feed ignoring IG stories, while replies are the messages directed on stories.

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