Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
Internal SEOInternal SEO audit and website analysis

In the life of every Internet project there are situations when you need to quickly understand the causes of temporary difficulties. A drop in search traffic, a drop in conversion rates, website glitches and technical problems are all signs that it’s time to turn to a professional commercial website audit and analysis service.

What is an internal SEO site audit

Every year the link ranking factors are losing their former importance, and more and more importance is given to internal factors that determine the state of a web resource, its attitude towards the search engines and its usefulness to users. In the work of any site, there are many technical nuances that degrade its performance and hinder the effective search engine promotion. They are visible only to specialists who conduct research of internal factors that have an impact on search ranking of a web resource as a part of SEO paslaugos analysis. Professional SEO-site audit is a part of general strategy of optimization and promotion of an Internet project. It helps to achieve tangible results and save considerable funds.

Who needs internal auditing

The internal analysis of a web resource will be useful:

Website owners – to evaluate the results of optimization and promotion of an Internet resource.

Webmasters – to obtain current information on the state of the site and make informed decisions on its revision.

SEO specialists and optimizers – for developing effective search engine promotion strategies and promoting web sites.

Programmers – for code revision and functional improvement.

Marketers – for studying the needs of Internet users and expanding the target audience.

In some cases, an internal audit of the site is required immediately. For example

When there is a sharp decline in the position of the site in Yandex and Google for key queries.

When a significant number of technical errors have been detected by online services or SEO software.

SEO audit benefits

A professional SEO website audit gives you the opportunity to:

Find blank and duplicate pages, duplicate headers, duplicate descriptions and other search engine spam.

Fix program code and remove “broken” internal links.

Reduce page load time and ensure fast navigation.

Create a correct sitemap (Sitemap.xml) and a correct Robots.txt file.

Correctly optimise text and media content.

Improve the attractiveness and clickability of snippets (short descriptions).

Minimise the likelihood of the site being filtered by search engines.

Accelerate indexation of new and updated pages.

With a comprehensive SEO-audit promptly identified errors and flaws in the internal optimization of the website, determined by the causes of low conversion and low-trust site, developed measures to address problems with optimization and promotion.

What is included in the website analysis

An internal SEO audit of the website is carried out according to the following criteria:

Indexation of pages in search engines (main and auxiliary index), search for duplicate web pages.

Analysis of the semantic core to identify low-performing queries and search for new key phrases, taking into account regional and seasonal factors.

Content of meta tags, subtitles and descriptions of each web page; length and uniqueness of tags, subtitles and titles.

Validity of HTML code of pages and search for errors.

Parameters of URLs (length, occurrence of keywords, CNC).

ALT attributes for pictures, photos, diagrams and other graphic images.

Web page load time and factors that affect the load speed of web page elements.

Server response validation (the most common codes are 200, 301, 302, 404).

Audit of the text content from an optimisation point of view (titles, subheadings, text structuring, technical uniqueness, correct occurrence and density of key phrases).

Effectiveness of linking, functionality of internal links and check the ease of navigation.

Error analysis from Google Webmaster Tools (section “HTML optimization”) and Yandex Webmaster (sections “Site indexing” and “Setting up indexing”).

Results of checking the resource

Detailed results of the internal SEO audit and web-resource analysis are made out as a voluminous text document in PDF format (not less than 5 pages for the express analysis, and over 20 pages for other types of audit). The final report in an accessible and understandable form contains practical recommendations for correcting deficiencies, omissions and errors in optimizing the website. The results of the audit establish whether the site meets the current requirements for search engine optimization, evaluated the work of SEO-specialists and solutions for further improvement of the Web resource.

Implementation of the internal audit recommendations allows you in a short period (1 … 3 months) to get a competitive advantage and bring the website to the top positions in SERPs. Thus, you can save on costs for optimization, making your own site more attractive and efficient. Professional SEO site audit is not just another budget item, but a profitable investment in effective promotion and search engine promotion.

By admin

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