Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Did you know that there are more than 300 different dog breeds in the world? If this is news to you, then it’s no wonder that most people have trouble understanding what their dog is thinking or behaving.

What if I told you that even though we can’t read our dogs’ minds, we can learn a lot about what’s going on in there by looking at their behavior? We can always begin with smashing the common myths associated with our furry friends.

  1. Some Dogs Are Hypoallergenic

A lot of people with allergies insist that some breeds are better for them. Unfortunately, the only thing they have going for them is their coats might be better tolerated by those who have allergies to dogs. They still shed, and all it takes is a little contact with the skin to create a reaction. In addition, no dog is 100 percent hypoallergenic.

The good news is that some breeds shed less hair than others. These include dogs such as the poodle, schnauzer, and Brussels griffon. However, dogs don’t have to be purebreds to fall into this category.

Note that these dogs usually have long hair, and it often means one thing: matting. To avoid this problem, invest in dog shears to maintain their hair length and quality regularly.

  1. All Dogs Are Created Equal

Another myth is that all dogs are created equal. For example, some people think big dogs are no different from small dogs because they are both “dogs.” However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Small dogs have a lot of advantages over large dogs. They’re easier to control because they’re lighter and can be picked up if need be. In addition, their barking is generally less insistent than that of large dog breeds, so you won’t have neighbors complaining as much if you own a barky little dog.

  1. Small Dogs Don’t Need Exercise

Just as working out is beneficial to humans, it is helpful for ALL dogs, regardless of their size, temperament, and breed. This activity offers plenty of advantages to them:

  • Exercising prevents your pet from becoming overweight or obese, increasing their risk of heart disorders and diabetes.
  • It also increases their lifespan.
  • It improves mental health by increasing feelings of happiness and confidence.
  • It also keeps them away from boredom-induced behaviors such as chewing on your favorite shoes or digging in the garden because they are bored out of their minds inside the house all day long.
  • It keeps their joints healthy.
  1. Your Dog’s Breed Determines the Quality of Its Life

Your dog’s breed does not determine its life expectancy. Rather, it is a combination of factors – apart from the breed – that determines how long your furry companion will live with you.

Aside from their size, whether or not they’re spayed or neutered also affects their lifespan. For example, dogs who are spayed or neutered live longer than those who aren’t or have an average life span of 12 to 13 years.

Another factor is how much exercise they get. This means that your dog’s breed isn’t the only thing that affects its daily physical activity level. It also depends on your lifestyle and the amount of time you can exercise with it.

Caring for your dog also has an impact on its lifespan. If you’re meticulous enough to see that they don’t get into any accidents (e.g., climbing up to high places), then you reduce their likelihood of getting injured.

  1. Dogs and Cats Don’t Get Along

A lot of people assume that dogs and cats are natural enemies. That’s understandable as they seem to be the exact opposite of each other. While dogs love to socialize, cats prefer to be alone most of the time. Dogs are noisy than felines.

However, the truth is they get along just fine – as long as they’re raised together from early on. They also share some common characteristics. Like dogs, cats can also thrive in a group or colony. And contrary to what most people think, cats are also intelligent and even emotional (they don’t like showing it).

The key to building a loving, peaceful multi-pet household is to respect the boundaries for each species. You can train dogs to avoid bothering cats during their alone time.

Hopefully, this article has taken away some of these myths about dogs. In any case, you must know the right information to keep your pets safe and out of harm’s way and enjoy your relationship with them better.


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