Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

The latest news breaking is making headlines across all TV and social media channels in which hosts like Karen radio host fired over her behavior that was racially offensive to the group of people was strongly condemned.

Check out the Fubar News updates that is being covered by the media. The statement was stated as follows:

“Dianna Ploss is no more associated or associated in any way in any way with WSMN as well as Bartis-Russell Broadcasting, LLC. We at WSMN respect freedom of speech and freedom of expression and gathering. We do not accept discrimination, discrimination or hate. We continue to opportunity for on-air discussions, education, and the exchange of ideas and opinions.”

The incident took place when an radio host named Dianna Ploss was walking by an assortment of Hispanic construction workers who were working at an area along the road located in the city of Nashua. It was the 10th day of July and the workers were enjoying a pleasant day at work and chatting with one another using their informal spoken language. The whole thing began when she stopped near and observed their conversation. She was furious at them, praising their use of their own language, Spanish when they were in the grounds in the United States. She lashed out at them for limiting their right to speak freely and slammed them all. She was able to ridicule the people living in their countries of origin and employed the word “Communism” to sum up the entire activity log. She declared that they were occupying the streets.

While the workers were mostly silent however, the conversation between two people carried along the lines of:

Karen: Are you talking in English? This is America so why are you not talking in English.

Laborers: …….

Karen The state is the employer, and you have to be able to speak English. She continued insisting on her word English.

Laborers: …….

In addition, the reporter criticized the people who were accused of being degraded and accused who were not working to benefit the state they’re living in. The workers offered a reasonable answer, “We work for the benefit of a private company”

The racist rant she uttered isn’t justified in any way. Look at what she said.

“This is America, speak English” and she continued insisting on these urgent phrases on repeat. She also spoke about the company with which they were working which was called “Morin’s Landscaping”.

This news was a flash of flames across the media. Ploss as the most vocal Trump supporter , and also a former host of WSMN radio, recorded the live stream on Facebook using her hands, as if the fact that she had done something good and then released the video that covered the entire event.

The clip was viewed by millions and clearly depicts the actions of an African American man who approaches her without a word and attempts to stop the woman from committing these kinds of threats. He asks her to explain the motive behind why she was blaming these gentlemen and says she’s never supposed to behave rude. He did not take into consideration his suggestions, but she reprimanded him for wearing a MASK to cover up his face, and then continued to propagate her message that Americans in America are not supposed to communicate in any other language than ENGLISH. She ridiculed him by calling him”a “Social Justice Warrior”. The joke doesn’t stop there, her offensive behavior continues to the point where she pokes fun at the BLACK man who claims they are defending BROWN construction workers to shield from the scrutiny of white women. This is one of the reasons the Karen radio host was fired.

Some referred to her as an aggressive pejorative Karen and others employed terms such as “extremist” and “eccentric” for her. Certain people criticized her because they believed that the woman was wearing the mask first prior to targeting other people in the midst of a deadly epidemic.

Public Comments

Some of the public comments that created the attention of social media have gotten an important message that needs a reality review!

“The actual crazy part of this whole scenario is Ploss did record it herself which means she considered herself a proud patriot for harassing these innocent guys” Jacob Marley Jacob Marley

Another critic named Carolyn Bridgeman said, ” She does not understand the reality that free speech also affords people to speak whatever language they want in America”

Every platform online are brimming with these testimonials. There is no regret over the way their career has been destroyed since they view morality and humanity above all else. Any person who would take away the human rights of freedom from other people is a person to be severely punished. It is the 21st century and everyone has 100 liberty to make any of the decisions of his life, spread the flag for his rights and have the freedom of expression. Anyone who exhibits inhumane conduct by anyone will cause negative media coverage against him, regardless of his occupation or race, social status and even his background. What is most important is Humanity!

Returning to our topic in relation to Karen the radio host who was fired for her racist rant. She was also stripped of any linkages to Bartis-Russell and WSMN Nashua. We will look into the consequences what she said and the words she used that no government, media or Public will give her a break from. The most shocking thing is that she attempted to justify her actions with an array of social media posts that employed a smug tone of voice, such as “I am not backing down” demonstrating her adherence to the infamous, unjust treatment. She made her point clear with the emoticons from American flags to show her admiration for her country. A different post added even more bitterness, as it was addressed to American Patriots (people who backed Karen) in a way of ridiculing people who didn’t agree with the idea that people should speak only English within America.

The whole incident has caused immense anger in people around the world who refuse to accept her unapologetic conduct. Within two days of the incident, more than 10k people signed a petition calling for the removal of the employee, which escalates the anger to a new degree.

Final Thoughts

Many people traverse across different subcontinents, they do not know the languages of the states they visit. Also, it’s not advisable to spend this much time and effort solely for communication. These landscaping workers were hired to do their job and receive a salary to supplement their family’s income. It’s absolutely deplorable to target them and take them away in the language they’re speaking in.

This is an instance of hate speech. Anyone who is a flag-bearer of hatred, violence and discrimination against people of color shouldn’t be given another chance to harass others in this manner. If you’re interested in learning more about this, Kimberly Guilfoyle – the mother of Ronan Anthony Villency and a important member for American News – American News community has done quite a bit of work in this situation.

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By Wilson

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