Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

One of the most famous and effective hair removal treatments worldwide is laser hair removal. The growing popularity of the procedure is compelling for people to get the treatment themselves.

But before you make your mind, you should know the entire procedure. The laser hair removal process involves various steps. You have to take care of your skin weeks before the treatment starts. You should also choose an advanced skin clinic that ensures the use of modern equipment by specialized doctors. All these steps guarantee permanent hair removal with no side effects.

What’s laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a promising hair removal technique that uses a laser beam to partially or completely destroy the cavity (hair follicle) where the hair grows.

The laser beam reacts with the melanin in the hair follicle and light energy is converted into heat energy. This heat destroys the hair follicle so that no more hair grows in it again. Laser hair removal treatment consists of several appointments and maintenance visits so that you never see unwanted hair on your skin again.

The laser hair removal process was started commercially in the late 1990s in the USA. After a huge success rate and minimum side effects, it became famous throughout the world.

If you’re a local in Pakistan and finding laser hair removal in Islamabad then make sure you find an aesthetic clinic that has expert doctors to treat you professionally and guide you throughout for guaranteed results.

Who’s a good candidate for laser treatment?

Anyone who wants to get rid of unwanted hair from the legs, arms, back, bikini area, and other parts of the body can get laser hair removal treatment.

The laser beam is directed at the hair follicle but it can affect the skin as well, which can create skin problems. That’s why the efficacy of laser hair removal depends on the color of your skin and hair as well. The laser beam works best for lighter skin tone and darker hair. The laser beam easily reacts with the melanin in the hair follicles instead of melanin in the skin.

But the good news is that with advancements in laser hair removal methods and equipment, now dark-toned people or people with light colored hair can also go for the treatment. The span of treatment will vary but you’ll get the desired results.

Preparation for laser hair removal 

When you decide to get the laser hair removal treatment, it’s time to take proper steps for wonderful results and zero risks. Let’s start with how do you prepare your skin for laser treatment:

Visit a doctor 

First thing is to visit a doctor who specializes in dermatology or cosmetology. It’s very important to ask for advice from a
specialized doctor in an advanced aesthetic clinic. The doctor will check whether your skin is suitable for laser treatment and will note your history to decide whether you’re a good candidate for laser treatment. Your doctor will:

  • Ask your medical history. You will be asked if you experienced any skin problems and what medicines are you taking in case you have any illness. You’ll be asked to avoid blood-thinning medicines if you take any on a daily basis.
  • Guide you about the whole procedure, risks, and effectiveness. You’ll be able to picture the treatment for yourself and decide whether it would do good for you.
  • Take pictures before the treatment so that you can compare them with after treatment pictures. This helps in assessment and long-term reviews.

Avoid Sun 

Sun rays affect your skin in a way that’s not good for laser treatment. The melanin in the cells increases, making skin dark. That can increase the risk of damaging skin during the laser procedure. So it’s best to avoid the sun for 2 to 3 weeks prior to the treatment.

Avoid Heat 

Heatwaves can also increase melanin and make skin dark. So you should avoid areas where the temperature is high. Prefer cool places to prepare your skin for laser treatment.

Wear Sunscreen 

Wherever you go, whether it’s cloudy or sunny, make sure to wear broad range sunscreen of SPF 30. Sunscreen protects your skin from damage.

No waxing or electrolysis

Your hair follicles shouldn’t be affected or destroyed by other hair removal techniques like waxing and electrolysis. You should avoid such practices for 4 weeks at least prior to the treatment.

No cuts and bruises 

Make sure your skin doesn’t have any cuts and bruises. A laser beam can affect that cut and create skin problems. That’s why the area that is tattooed shouldn’t be treated with a laser either.

Avoid blood-thinning medicines 

Aspirin and other blood-thinning medicines can make your skin vulnerable to cuts. So avoid these medications for at least 1 week prior to the treatment.

Before the procedure 

Once you and your skin are all set for laser treatment, it’s time to be ready for your first appointment. What you should do is:

  • Shave the area one day before the treatment. Shaving doesn’t damage the hair follicle and the hair shaft remains intact.
  • Wear clothes that cover the body area that has to be treated to make sure it isn’t exposed to sun and heat.

Once you’re ready, it’s time for the laser treatment!

During the procedure

When you enter your doctor’s office, make sure your doctor performs the procedure themselves. It’s not advised to get the treatment done by any nurse or beautician without the supervision of a doctor.


First off, your doctor will cleanse your skin and apply numbing cream so that you don’t feel anything during the treatment. Your eyes will be covered with goggles to protect them from the laser beam.

Laser beam 

You’ll be asked to lie down. A handheld device is used that emits a laser beam. This beam is directed back and forth on the area where you want hair removal. If you’re getting treatment for a small area like the forehead then it will take almost half an hour for one session. And if you’re getting treatment for a large area such as back then it will take more than an hour.


After the exposure to the laser beam, you’re all done. You can easily drive yourself back to work. No downtime is required so you’re good to carry out normal activities.

The whole session is repeated after 3 to 4 weeks. And it takes 2 to 6 sessions to get rid of all the hair. Also, you might be asked to come for maintenance after the treatment for the best results.


Wondering what to expect after the treatment? In the first session, you might not feel your hair removed. Then after 2 to 3 sessions, you’ll see how your hair vanishes and they don’t grow back quickly. The hair growth becomes too slow or even stops.

Your skin might get red after the session. Nothing to worry about, the redness will go away within a day. If you experience redness and swelling that won’t go away then it’s better to ask your doctor for help.

Follow your doctor’s aftercare advice religiously to enjoy smooth skin without any hair, forever!

By kabir

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