Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
PackagingMarketing Responsibility

Businesses across all industries can each do their bit to reduce their environmental footprint, collectively making small changes for the bigger picture. It is the corporate responsibility of each and every business to review their environmental impact as a company, implementing better processes and packaging to improve their sustainability. From reducing single use plastic by switching to printed cotton bags to finding new suppliers who work more sustainably, here are just some of the ways that businesses can make a change for the better.

Packaging that doesn’t cost the earth

With plastic taking hundreds of years to decompose, the impact that our excessive use has on both our wildlife and landfill sites needs to change. The amount of single use packaging that is added to this problem every day by businesses across the world can easily be avoided by making simple switches to more sustainable materials.

The number of high quality materials which are biodegradable has increased, allowing us to opt for less damaging materials which don’t impact the quality of our packaging. As well as any boxes or mailing bags, switching out bubble wrap or plastic inserts is easy to do. Purchasing an industrial shredder will allow you to shred up any leftover paper or cardboard which can be used to protect customer orders from damage during the transit process, not only helping reduce the amount of packaging needed, but saving you money.

Forming partnerships with local suppliers

Share specialisms with nearby businesses to grow your own. Working with suppliers overseas can have a detrimental effect on the environment, increasing your carbon footprint through the excessive amount of transportation required. If your business could benefit the operations of other businesses in return, creating alliances can go a long way to help each other succeed.

Whether you find local printers who can brand your new environmentally friendly carrier bags, suppliers who offer discounted rates on bulk order or even local businesses from different industries who you can partner with on a community project to boost your brand reputation, make use of the talent around you to enhance the working connections available.

Sharing your success to pave the way

Use your platforms to shout about all of the great work you have been implementing as a business. By openly discussing how you have improved your processes or have switched up your packaging to use biodegradable materials, your customers or stakeholders will see a more human side to your business. Showing your ethical consideration is a great way to build up trust amongst your audience and create relationships, starting a new conversation which affects us all.

As well as resonating with your customers, talking about your sustainable switches is a great way to encourage others to follow your lead. Whether that be your customers who learn more about how to ethically dispose of their packaging or other businesses who get some inspiration on steps they could take for themselves, become a leader in your industry and pave the way for others.

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