Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

When businesses or organizations can’t sell their products and services, endwise those corporations walk towards the conclusion. No matter how much improved the labour forces are, how much intelligent the bookkeepers are, how massive the production capacities are, every single aspect is useless until the right consumers or customers purchase the product. 

Commencement of Marketing According to the Light of Modern Times

And behind the sale of the products, the marketing section of an organization is responsible. Hence, marketing plays a vital role in a business. The first activity of marketing is, let the people know about the products and services that a company offers. In the modern era, the widely used pathways are social media, email marketing, online branding, by throwing events, television commercial and many more. Among all, the most effective way is online commercial playing. 

Sales Funnels are Creating Potential Online Business

Some organizations use various digital marketing tools and strategies with the assistance of multiple applications. Some are entirely free funnel builder. Sales funnels refer to the statement that there should be someone who would take the responsibility to purchase by being a customer. The theory of Brick and Mortar enlightens the sales funnel where a customer goes to store. The customer is at the top of the sales funnel. Over the online marketing strategies, when a person goes to visit a page, suddenly a page pop-ups with their offers and services. These pop-ups redirect the customers to the online stores where those persons experience the products and prepare to buy. The redirection towards the online selling page can also work effectively by email.

Stages of Sales Funnels

Marketing is such a section which needs the upgraded methods. Some of the principals remain same, other than that it is more like the trend which keeps changing with the product types and demands. Yet, the prime concept remains the same as well as the stages. And the stages are,


  • Awareness


You are walking through a road; suddenly you experience a concert where Eminem is performing. Indeed the moment is jaw-dropping, and you will stay there to see if you are not in a hurry. All of a sudden you notice, there is a back-drop which contains a name ‘Y Energy Drink’. 

Now you know there is an energy drink named ‘Y’. After the concert, you posted a video clip of that concert on social media. You friends come to experience the show virtually as well as know the name of the newly arrived energy drink. Similar cases happen with almost all the people who were enjoying the concert. This event and the attraction towards the energy drink is awareness of the product.


  • Interest


When you go to a departmental store, you suddenly see that energy drink, and of course, it will put a smile on your face, because it has viewed a free concert. Undoubtedly, you would like to try that drink for once at least to learn about the taste. This part is called interest in customers’ mind.


  • Decision


In the section of drinks in a departmental store, only one drink does not exist. You can experience enormous energy drinks. From that bulk, you are about to choose one. This event is called a decision. You may select the product by judging the qualities, ingredients, prices, discounts, offers, bonus or any other fact. 


  • Action


After judging the facts, you choose one energy drink from the rows and walk towards the counter. Here, you pay the price, and the counter person packs the drink for you, and this is the completion of the final stage, which is called action. 

Eventually, many marketers face various problems along with the selling, and deep researches indicate the issues in the roots, means the awareness stage. Hence, the sensitive stage requires significant care. 

By kabir

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