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Myths about mobile testing <![CDATA[Myths about mobile testing]]>


Myths about mobile testing

‘Go mobile’ is the call of the day! And in true sense, everything- be it booking movie tickets or bill payments-can be done with the click of a button. Mobiles are not only convenient to carry, but they are also known for their quick processing time, given the varied software integration we get these days.

In such a scenario, it is essential that the software runs smoothly without any technical glitches. It is to be noted that slow processing issues do not affect the user experience alone, but can also affect businesses. Thus, the need for mobile testing.

However, there are a number of myths surrounding mobile testing that stop entities from undergoing the service. But, given the technological juncture we are in, it is high time that they broke the glass ceiling and came up with ideas to ensure customer satisfaction. So, here’s discussing a few myths surrounding mobile testing:

No one uses outdated software anymore

Believe it or not, there is still a group of people who believe in the concept of “old is gold”. They would not hesitate to use systems or software that are outdated just because they are still functioning. It could be slow, but for them its operational. This brings up another challenge. If the mobile software is tested on the most recent brands, a significant portion of the market remains untouched. Therefore, it is essential to test on a dated system rather than on advanced systems only.

4G is in!

Yes it is, but it is still not the only option for many users. A number of factors influence a user’s decision to use 4G data, for instance, cost, portability, or accessibility. Most often than not, a user chooses to switch to a data that is free and not fast.

He would rather wait for a page to download than shell out a few extra cents for a faster network. Thus, it is important to test mobile functions in all data speeds. If the app does not work on these slower networks, users will ultimately abandon them.

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Mobile app testing should be done after development is complete

Imagine your software crashing immediately after being launched in the market? That will not only affect the reputation, but will also affect the company’s growth in the future. Unlike the popular belief, it is best to test software in the developing stages itself. It is not necessary that all the design flaws and security issues will reveal themselves at the end of the development. Therefore, it is better to be safe than be sorry.

Code coverage is the best quality measure

This is a common understanding across all the testing circles. However, it is just one aspect of the entire testing deal. In fact, it is also important to track and ensure that the key features of the application and the common workflows have been tested. Experts believe that it is often a combination of automated tests, beta testing, and exploratory testing that yield the best results Best results can be achieved with help of  software testing services companies.

Visual and design testing is what matters

Actually it does not, unless the software and the features have been thoroughly tested. Workflow testing is yet another aspect that testing agents need to focus on because if that fails, consumers will stop downloading the app. Moreover, it will be very difficult to win customers back if they have that kind of experience

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