Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

In recent years, there are lots of shooting incidents, not only in the United States of America but in other parts of the globe. We need to take essential steps in protecting ourselves and our loved ones. Moreover, shootings incidents were done in public places such as schools and churches where there are also children involved. And sadly, out little ones don’t have enough knowledge about defending themselves in such a horrendous situation. 

While there are lots of protective gear such as hard armor plates, bulletproof vests, and ballistic shields, these are all weighty. And the kids won’t be able to wear them all day long. However, there is a bulletproof backpack available in the market that is relatively lighter and smaller compared to the others that were mentioned earlier. 

Advantages of using Bulletproof Backpacks

Used as a Shied

First and foremost, the apparent reason why one should buy a bulletproof backpack is so that one can use it as a shield. Especially when there is a shooting incident happening nearby. Also, it can protect its wearer from stray bullets coming from behind. A standard bulletproof backpack that is available in the market can withstand bullets coming from a 9mm or .44 magnum. Moreover, it also protects the wearer’s essential belongings inside the backpack, such as laptops and gadgets.

Easier Mobility

As mentioned earlier, hard armor plates, bulletproof vests, and ballistic shields are all heavy and unsuitable for daily use. Moreover, aside from being weighty, these are also bulky, which makes them difficult to wear by our little ones. The best thing about bulletproof backpacks is that they are lightweight, just like a regular backpack. It does not limit the wearer’s mobility, unlike the heavy shields that make one’s movement difficult. It is a perfect protective gear not only to students but also to people with disabilities.

Easier Mobility

Provide More Functionality

Regular backpacks only come with limited functionality. But with a bulletproof backpack, it offers added convenience to its wearer. It has earphone holes for easier and safer access to music since the wearer doesn’t have to get his or her phone from the bag. Also, new models of the bulletproof backpack have an external USB port, thus making it easier and safer to charge electronic devices while on the move. 

It’s Cheaper than Heavy Shields

Hard armor plates, bulletproof vests, and ballistic shields use sophisticated materials to repel bullets, and this makes them highly expensive. Bulletproof backpack, on the other hand, is way cheaper than heavy shields. The more low-cost heavy shield that is available in the market would cost at least 600 dollars while the most affordable bulletproof backpack would only require at least 200 dollars. It is the best alternative choice for students and businesspeople alike when it comes to protecting against stray bullets.

When it comes to protective gear, it is essential to have one these especially for our kids and loved ones. Thanks to bulletproof backpacks, one can now have the protection they need without spending too much.


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