Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
blue cheese <![CDATA[]]>

Blue cheese was first discovered in France. A lazy man forgot cheese in his cave and when he returned after a long time, he found that the cheese color had undergone change and blue-green veins ribbed the cheese. The aroma was pungent and, it tasted nice and this way, Blue Cheese came into existence and vogue.

Blue Cheese is considered one of the reliable sources of probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial for the gut and take the best care of our digestive system. It has the nutritional value and is used as different specialties in various gourmets adding taste and nutrients.

Blue cheese is a ripened or aged cheese and fungi or mold develops when it is kept for aging. The fungi developed is healthy for our body.

Blue cheese is fine if taken in moderation as we all know that excess of anything is an abuse to our body system. The same rule applies here in the context of the blue cheese consumption. Higher consumption can pose health risks of Blue cheese and can take a toll on our health. We should be vigilant in the consumption of blue cheese.

Health Risks of Blue Cheese

  1. Weight Gain or Obesity: Blue cheese is delectable in taste. The foodies indulge extravagantly due to awesome taste. It is high in calories and fat content and consumption in large quantity result in weight gain or obesity. Obesity is a passive disease, and it leads to multiple health problems such as high blood pressure, blood sugar, and other heart ailments. It is advised to use in small quantities and reduce regular intake.
  2. Mold: There are different types of mold, some are beneficial while some poses health issues. One should verify thoroughly before using aged blue cheese. The bad molds spoil the quality of cheese and it is not safe to consume. If there is a significant change in color and taste, don’t include in your diet. It can make you sick and might irritate your stomach.
  3. Mold Allergy: If you are allergic to mold, then avoid blue cheese. All foods have antigens and mold is one of the most reactive allergens. If you are susceptible to mold allergy, blue cheese is not suitable for you. It may aggravate stomach ailments, sneezing, and cold, nausea, asphyxia, rashes etc. if you are not able to diagnose the reason of allergens, consult the doctor to clarify.
  4. Milk Allergy: if you are allergic to milk, blue cheese is not an apt choice for you. Strictly avoid its consumption because it can hamper your health to a great extent. It can lead to shortness of breath, vomiting, rashes and choke in the throat and in extreme cases, it can prove fatal.
  5. Extreme Inflammation: Blue cheese can cause extreme inflammation and can affect the respiratory and cardiovascular system acutely. It can cause accidental death if action is not taken on time.
  6. Saturated Fat: One ounce of blue cheese contains 6 grams of saturated fat and 120 calories. Blue cheese should be consumed in moderation to avoid absorption of saturated fat. High intake of saturated fat leads to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and obesity.
  7. Sodium: Blue cheese is high in sodium content hence it should be consumed less frequently and in less quantity to avoid health-related issues due to high sodium level in blood.
  8. Hormonal imbalance: Steroid hormones and estrogen are found in dairy produce. Consumption of blue cheese in large quantities can affect the functioning of the endocrine system and it can lead to cancer.
  9. Constipation: Dairy produce often leads to constipation who include blue cheese in their regular diet. The children are mostly affected.
  10. Depression & Parkinson’s: People under depression should avoid blue cheese because of higher tyramine content which results in lowering the efficacy of Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) drugs used to treat depression & Parkinson’s. The aged cheese has a high content of tyramine.
  11. Migraines & Headaches: High tyramine content often induces migraine pain and headache in patients. Blue cheese should be avoided by the patients.
  12. Listeriosis: Listeriosis is a serious bacterial infection caused by bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. The bacteria is found in animal or dairy products and blue cheese is also at times infested with the bacteria. If blue cheese infested with the bacteria is consumed, it has serious consequences such as jaundice, severe vomiting, septicemia, meningitis. If consumed by a pregnant woman, it can lead to abortion or stillbirth.
  13. Avoid in Pregnancy: Pregnant women should avoid consumption of blue cheese because it is prepared after aging. There are chances of developing an allergy after the intake and it may have a negative impact on the fetus. Bacteria listeria monocytogenes also develops in blue cheese which is not good for expecting mothers.
  14. Calcium Deficiency: Blue cheese is a source of calcium but you cannot rely on blue cheese to derive the required amount of calcium. It acts as a supplement but not sufficient to meet the bodily requirements.
  15. High Content of Phosphorus: Blue cheese has a high content of phosphorus. The amount of consumption should be lower or moderate to maintain phosphorus content in our body. Excess of phosphorus damages kidney giving rise to renal ailments.

Indulge in relishing the delicacies prepared of Blue Cheese but take care to take in moderate quantities in less frequency to be free from any health risks posed by its overuse.

How to Assess the Quality of Blue Cheese

  • If the color and aroma of blue cheese undergo a major change, reject them. It is not good for health.
  • If it smells like ammonia, it is spoiled and time to discard.
  • If there is a change in taste in spite of even appearance, don’t consume.
  • Blue cheese should be consumed before the expiry date.
  • Store in deep freezer to retain its freshness.
  • The procedure of storage should be followed as prescribed on the packaging.

According to Blue Cheese is better if it is used in moderation and avoided by the people who are allergic to cheese and dairy produce. Lactating and expectant mother, people suffering from chronic ailments of the heart, kidney, and nervous system should not include in their diet.

Moderation is better and advisable for lovers of blue cheese.

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