Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
Exactly Should You Structure Your Pitch Deck To Attract More Investors In 2023

Today, one of the key factors that influence the success of every startup business is ‘funding’. Surely, startups can always run their business without investor funding. However, the possibility of your business becoming successful is very high when you work with one or more investors. As a startup owner, for you to attract an investor to fund your business today, you need to learn and understand exactly how to structure your pitch deck.

In the rest of this pitch deck structure-related blog, you’ll learn:

  • Pitch deck definition: what is a pitch deck & how exactly does it work?
  • Pitch deck structure: what exactly should you add to your pitch deck to attract more investors?
  • Why should you hire Spectup to help with your pitch deck today?

Pitch deck definition

Before going ahead to talk about pitch deck structure, let’s start by addressing this question; what is a pitch deck? Well, according to experts at Spectup, a pitch deck is a presentation that most investors need to check to better understand your business.

One mistake that many people make today is that a pitch deck is designed specifically to secure funds from investors. However, this is not true! Instead, a pitch deck is mostly important to help you secure the next meeting with your potential investors.

Today, many startup owners fail to secure the next meetings with potential investors because of the issue of improper pitch deck structure. In the next section of this post, you’ll discover a few effective tips experts at Spectup believe can change your fundraising game and help you attract the perfect investors.

Pitch deck structure

For you to structure your pitch deck the right way, you need to focus on certain elements, such as:

  • Your mission
  • What problem are you looking to solve in your industry?
  • Significant market size
  • Your product or service 
  • Team members
  • Traction & revenue

As long as you include the aforementioned elements in your pitch deck, your chances of securing the next meeting with your potential investors are very high.

  1. Your mission

What exactly is your startup’s mission? You certainly need to add this element to your pitch deck if you want your potential investors to take you seriously. Your mission statement must outline exactly what your startup is contributing to the world, including what the business stands for.

When writing your mission statement, you need to factor in the following:

  • Why exactly did you start up your business?
  • What exactly is your main product?
  • Who are your potential buyers or target audience?
  • What is your company’s image & value?

When focusing on these aforementioned factors, you need to be concise, accessible, and able to describe your goals in the best way possible.

  1. What exact problem(s) is your startup trying to address?

Another important factor for a successful pitch deck structure is ‘the problem your business is solving’. The problem slide is very important because potential investors are very interested in knowing exactly what issues your startup is looking to solve. In addition, this slide also makes it easy for investors to figure out whether or not your startup has any viable solution(s) in place to address these problems.

The following tips will help you when creating your pitch deck’s problem slide:

  • You need to boost your credibility by taking advantage of customer feedback. You can do this by describing the group of customers that greatly suffer due to this issue. Above all, make sure you’re persuasive enough so the potential investors can feel the real-life problem, which your startup is looking to address, including its size.
  • Create curiosity with your problem slide. This way, your potential investors will be more engaged with your pitch deck and not feel bored. One effective way to create curiosity in this slide is by becoming a storyteller.
  • How significant is the problem you’re looking to solve? You need to answer this question in the best possible way in your problem slide.
  1. Significant market size

One of the most important data points to include in your pitch deck is ‘market size’. Of course, for this slide, you need to do thorough market research and come up with the right figures if you want to attract potential investors to your startup.

  1. Traction

The traction slide is very important in your pitch deck, as it gives investors the confidence that your business is certainly worth investing in. This slide is all you need to show your potential investors that your startup has growth potential and validation in the current market.

Below are a few important factors you need to consider when creating your traction slide:

  • Recurring sales
  • Customer feedback
  • Marketing metrics
  • Pilot studies to show positive validation
  1. Team members 

The team slide in your pitch deck is important to show potential investors you have all it takes to provide viable solutions to address the problem your startup is looking to solve. This slide, which must reveal the expertise and experience of your team members, will help you further win the hearts of your potential investors.

  1. Product

Do you currently have a prototype to show your potential investors? If not, you need a product slide to help the investors have a better feel of your main product. For the best results, experts at Spectup advise that you use a mockup to better explain your product.
Do you currently need help with your pitch deck structure? If yes, experts at Spectup are always available and ready to assist you in crafting the best pitch deck for your startup at an affordable price. You can visit the official website today to better understand what to include in a pitch deck to attract investors to fund your business.

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