Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

An ingrown toenail has been one of the main causes of toe and foot pain. Even though every individual has a risk of suffering from the condition, the risk is high among runners with diabetes. The person may suffer from a series of discomfort. If the condition is left untreated, the ingrown nail can injure your skin leading to infections and other complications. Recently, there has been an increase in people seeking treatment due to ingrown toenail Cypress. The following are the common questions about ingrown toenail.

What are the Causes?

One way a person can avoid problems is by knowing the causes, thereby applying measures to avoid them. One cause includes wearing poorly fitting shoes, which puts excess pressure on the toe. Besides, traumas, such as repetitively dropping an object on the toe or under pressure when running, increase the risk. Also, cutting the nails when they are too rounded or too short increases the risk. Other causes can be hereditarily passed from generation to generation.

How to Know you have the condition?

One of the ways to know that you have the condition is after seeing that your nail is growing incorrectly. Rather than growing straight up over your toe, this nail will be digging into your flesh from one or both sides of the toe. The common symptoms that individuals could suffer from include; pus, swelling, tenderness, pain, and redness at the toe.

What happens if an Individual ignores it?

If the condition is left untreated, your toe can become infected. The person is likely to suffer from a fungal infection which can be excruciating, and call for antibiotics to treat it. Furthermore, you also risk suffering from bone infections. If you have diabetes, an ingrown toenail increases the risk of gangrene.

How does the Podiatrist Treat it?

Before treating, the specialist usually diagnoses the condition. Based on the nature of the condition, the Podiatrist can decide to treat you using minimally invasive or conservative procedures. In most cases, the procedure will take approximately 15 minutes. The specialist will anesthetize the affected region and then prescribe ointment or antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.

Can I treat the Condition at Home?

Some people use self-treatment options rather than going to the hospital. Some methods include soaking their foot in warm water with salt at least once daily. Besides, others use soothing ointment and fresh bandages every day. Other individuals treat it by avoiding pointed-toed high heels and trimming their nails properly and often. Even though these options can help you to recover, an individual should visit a specialist. The main reason is that the specialist carries out a proper diagnosis to know whether a patient will require having an antibiotic or going under other special procedures.

Have you been suffering from ingrown toenails-related pain over time? You should relax since Cypress Foot & Ankle Center is here to serve you. The facility has been attracting most patients living in Cypress due to its outstanding Care. An award-winning Dr. Kunal Amin has vast experience, having performed similar successful surgeries over time. He diagnoses your condition before deciding the best treatment for you. Visit the facility today to mark the end of your suffering.

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