Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Zinc is a necessary mineral that the human body uses in many different ways.

After iron, zinc is the second most abundant mineral in the body and is found in every cell.  

Zinc is essential for the activation and proper function of more than 300 enzymes involved in the functioning of metabolism, digestion, the nervous system and help regulate many other processes in the body.

Also, zinc is important for the proper development and functioning of immune system cells.

Zinc is also involved in DNA synthesis, protein production and is important for skin health.

It is also critical for the proper growth and development of the body, as it is involved in cell growth and division.

Zinc is also required for the individual functioning of individual senses, especially taste and smell.

Because one of the essential enzymes for proper taste and smell function depends on a sufficient supply of zinc, a lack of this mineral can impair smell and taste. 

Summary: Zinc is important for the proper growth and division of cells; for the functioning of the immune system, it is involved in enzymatic reactions, protein production, and DNA synthesis.

Health effects of zinc

Studies suggest that zinc has some beneficial effects on our health.

Strengthens the immune system

Zinc helps ensure that our immune system is healthy and working correctly.

Because zinc is an important part of immune cells and is also involved in signal transduction between cells, its deficiency can lead to a weakened immune response and an overall reduction (worsening) of immunity. 

Dietary supplements with zinc stimulate the cells of the immune system and reduce oxidative stress.

An analysis of seven studies suggests that taking zinc at a daily dose of 80-92 mg can reduce the duration of a common cold by up to 33%. 

Also, zinc supplements significantly reduce the risk of infection and improve the immune response in the elderly.

Accelerates wound healing

Zinc is usually used in hospitals to treat burns, certain types of ulcers, and other skin injuries. 

Because zinc is essential for collagen synthesis, the proper functioning of the immune system, and the body’s inflammatory response, it is essential for proper wound healing.

Interestingly, about 5% of all zinc in the body is found in the skin.  

While zinc deficiency can slow wound healing, taking zinc supplements can speed up wound healing.

One study of 60 people with diabetic foot lasting 12 weeks suggested that people taking supplements with 200 mg of zinc daily had a significant reduction in the size of skin defects compared with people taking placebo.    

It can decrease the chance of certain diseases.

Zinc can significantly reduce the risk of some age-related diseases, such as pneumonia (pneumonia), infectious disease, or age-related macular degeneration. 

Zinc helps reduce oxidative stress and improves the immune response by supporting the activity of T-lymphocytes and natural killers (so-called NK cells), which protect the body from infection.

Seniors taking zinc supplements had a better immune response to influenza vaccination, a lower incidence of pneumonia, and improved cognitive function.  

One study suggests that 45 mg of zinc per day helps reduce the risk of infectious diseases in the elderly by almost 66%.

Another large study involving more than 4,200 people found that taking dietary supplements with antioxidants (vitamin E, vitamin C, and beta carotene) combined with 80 mg of zinc per day slowed vision impairment and significantly reduced the risk of age-related macular degeneration also health to get best love life use Fildena 100 and Fildena 150.       

It can help in treating acne.

Acne is a frequent skin disease that affects up to 9.4% of the world’s population.

Bacteria, inflammation, and obstruction of the sebaceous glands are involved in the development of acne.

Studies suggest that both topical zinc preparations and oral zinc supplements help treat acne by reducing inflammation, suppressing the growth of Propionibacterium acnes (the cause of acne), and reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands.  

People with acne often suffer from zinc deficiency, so dietary supplements with this mineral can help alleviate the disease’s symptoms to some extent.  

Relieves inflammation

Zinc reduces oxidative stress and the level of some inflammatory proteins in the body. 

Oxidative stress can cause chronic inflammation, contributing to the development of many chronic diseases, such as heart and vascular diseases (cardiovascular diseases), cancer, or cognitive impairment. 

One study of 40 seniors taking 45 mg of zinc daily found that people in this study group had lower inflammatory markers in their blood than people in the placebo study group.  

Summary: Zinc helps reduce inflammation, strengthens the immune system, accelerates wound healing, helps treat acne, and reduces the risk of certain diseases.

Manifestations of zinc deficiency

Although critical zinc deficiency is very rare, it can be found in people with rare genetic mutations, in breastfed infants whose mothers do not have enough zinc, in people with alcohol dependence for men health use Fildena 120 or vigora 100, and all patients who take medicines to suppress immunity (immunosuppressants). 

Severe zinc deficiency symptoms include impaired growth and development, delayed puberty (delayed onset of puberty), skin rash, chronic diarrhea, impaired wound healing, and behavioral disorders.

In contrast, milder forms of zinc deficiency are relatively common and occur mostly in children in developing countries who do not receive enough zinc (and often other nutrients and minerals) in their diets. 

It is estimated that up to 2 billion people worldwide suffer from zinc deficiency and cannot get enough from their diet. 

Because zinc deficiency impairs the immune system’s function, it is estimated that zinc deficiency kills more than 450,000 children under the age of five each year, who are more prone to infectious diseases due to zinc deficiency. 

They also have an increased risk of zinc deficiency:

  • people with gastrointestinal diseases such as Crohn’s disease
  • vegetarian a vegan
  • pregnant and lactating women
  • infants who are fed exclusively on breastfeeding for a long time
  • people with sickle cell anemia
  • people with eating disorders, including anorexia or bulimia 
  • people with chronic kidney disease 
  • alcoholics

Symptoms of mild zinc deficiency include diarrhea, decreased immunity, hair loss, decreased appetite, mood disorders, dry skin, fertility disorders, or impaired wound healing.  

Zinc deficiency is often challenging to detect in a laboratory blood test because the body regulates the zinc level in a very narrow range, so even if the patient is zinc deficient, its blood concentration may be at normal levels. 

Therefore, when prescribing or recommending dietary supplements with zinc, physicians are guided by the level of zinc in the blood and assess the quality of the diet and genetic factors that may affect the body’s supply of zinc. 

Summary: Risk factors for zinc deficiency include insufficient dietary zinc intake, diseases that impair the absorption of zinc and other nutrients, alcoholism, genetic mutations, and older age.

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