Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

SEO has become an inevitable part of e-commerce because it helps drive traffic, increase store visibility, and improve website ranking in organic search. Although you can drive traffic using paid tools but SEO services cost way less and add provide a long-term solution. This guide contains valuable list of to-do’s for SEOing e-commerce websites. Let’s take a look.

Normally e-commerce SEO involves optimization of headlines, Meta description, internal linking, and navigational structure for website search and user experience. It requires dedicated page for each product designed with a purpose to draw traffic from search engines. However, that does not mean that static and non-product-oriented pages can be left out of SEO-ing. Pages like homepage, about page, F.A.Q. page, blog page, contact us page, etc. equally require SEO services.

Develop an Ecommerce SEO Strategy

Effective SEO for e-commerce begins with prioritizing pages or products for which you need optimization services. For smooth process, create a workflow so that you ensure all specific requirements such as selection of keywords, including Meta data, image naming, etc. are met. Closely observe your competitors’ strategy for SeO-ing and adopt such a plan which not just outweigh your competitors’ strategy but also improves your website performance. Let’s see what an effective strategy means.

1. Use the Right Keywords
Keywords have been helpful in amp-ing up your website performance for a while now. Include your primary keyword in the product headline, description, Meta data, image name, and subheadings. Since Google perceives your page in context, make sure latent semantic index (LSI) keywords are sprinkled throughout. While picking the keyword, research how frequently people use this keyword for search and how competitive it is in the CPC (Cost Per Click). The frequency of keyword usage, i-e search volume, indicates consumers’ interest in a specific keyword. Similarly, CPC indicates how much people Pay Per Click upon buying keyword-based advertising. If the CPC is high, the competition is cut-throat. In this case you might want to use a long-tail keyword. Likewise, user intent shows what people are looking for when they use a specific keyword for search. Long-tail keyword narrows down a broad area into more specific area for clarity.
The ranking of a website can be enhanced phenomenally by implementing local SEO. An experienced local SEO service provider can help amp your SEO game.

2. Competitor Research
Without professional SEO services, it can be bit overwhelming because you might not have any clue about where to begin. Look at your competitor’s way of doing things and you can learn many of their secrets for optimizing websites. You can find out whether a website is being optimized using a particular keyword with the help of Moz browser extension. It will reveal the SEO title and description your competitors are using. You can know about the ranking for organic as well as paid search using another paid tool SEMrush.

3. Focus on Homepage SEO
Homepage is the top priority page which you must optimize. The special focus has to be on optimization of homepage title tag, homepage meta description, and homepage content.
For homepage title tag, make sure to include you business name along with the selected keyword. The character limit for SEO title tag is 70.
Meta Description is equally important aspect for keyword ranking. It is 160 character business descriptions which appear beneath the title tag when you search for that keyword. In a way it is an insight to the website content, so it must be appealing and engaging.
The homepage content should be helpful as well as informative. However, including too much details and making a too lengthy page can reflect badly on your overall website engagement. Too cluttered homepages can confuse visitors as well as search engines, affecting the ranking of website.

4. Website Architecture
Site architecture plays a vital role in search optimization because a hierarchy of navigation, internal linking, and consistency in pages will allow the search engine to discover the pages and products on your website easily. Make sure that every page or item on website can be accessed within three clicks.

5. Internal Linking
Internal links help boost e-commerce SEO as they indicate how various pages on a website are related to one another. Effective and smart internal linking can enhance user engagement as it urges visitors to further explore your site. Products of the same category, blogs related to those products, and deals or offers on those products can be linked for a better, rich and deep user-experience.

6. Optimize Product Pages
The heart and soul of any website is its products/services page which should be optimized on priority. Writing a few words under the pretext of product description and putting up a photo is not enough.
Product Name: A search engine can find those products easily if the items listed on products/services have a name along with a common search word or keyword phrase for that item.
Image: The product image helps users in making purchase decision quickly and also contributes to search optimization. For effective image optimization, you must use product name and main keyword, instead of using IMG001. Moreover, remember to include the product name and keyword in the ALT text for the images.
Video: videos are easy content which help visitors make decision quickly. Videos can provide basic information about a product, an advertisement, or a how-to video. You can add testimonials for a product in the form of video.
Customer Reviews: This is must-include part of product/services page because reviews boost customer confidence in purchasing your product.
FAQs: People often feel confused about using a particular product. Therefore, product-specific FAQs bring ease for visitors and lead to increased conversion rate.

7. Responsive Design
The number of people who purchase products using mobile phone or tablet is increasing. Therefore, it is important to have a responsive e-commerce website because it leads to better user experience and improved search results. If a website can’t adjust to mobile screen, the visitor might not be interested in using it at all.

8. Improve Page Load Speed
Search engines rank fast loading websites better than those which take time in loading. You can improve loading speed by eliminating unnecessary and too heavy elements from your page. Heavy background images, unnecessary plug-ins, animated content, etc. affect the loading speed of web pages and consequently Google ranking in organic search.

ESP Inspire
For high quality SEO services and PPC maintenance of e-commerce websites, get in touch with us. We have experience and expertise of providing customizable SEO solutions.

To find more information about importance of branding, you should try Influencer Amazon for Amazon sales

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