Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
Top World-Famous Marathons

Sports events are drawing attention to all athletes around the world. They consider preparations very seriously, even for years, so they could accomplish their goals. A marathon is one of the biggest challenges and a dream come true for every runner. To be able to carry out a distance over 40,000 km takes a lot of physical and mental strength. For a runner, the crucial thing is to get to the finish line and to be part of a big event.

Here are three world-famous marathons that you should know about. Maybe one day you decide to participate in one of them.

Top World-Famous Marathons

The Chicago Marathon

One of the exciting ways to see the beauty of Chicago city is to be part of this famous event. The Chicago Marathon starts in the Downtown area of the city and ends at the Grand Park. With over 45,000 runners every year, the Chicago Marathon has become a traditional event for the city and its residents. If you want to become a part of the big challenge, you must be at least 16 years old. Without a parental agreement, minors will probably be disqualified. 

Attendants of the big Marathon will run around the city and the finish time will be after six and a half hours. At the end of the exciting contest, a big party will be organized for all members in Grant Park’s Butler. After all the above, the Chicago Marathon should be one of the challenges on your bucket list. 

The Copenhagen Marathon

Over the years, Copenhagen has become one of the most populated cities of Denmark. Regardless of its beautiful culture and urban development, there is one historical thing that the city will always be remembered for. In 1980, many athletics and Sparta running club decided to organize the first Marathon in Copenhagen. 

It was the biggest challenge and an exciting adventure for both participants and residents of the city. A lot has changed from the first marathon event. Now runners are followed by cheerleaders, confetti rains, music, and at a certain distance, refreshments to boost their endurance. 

Attending the Copenhagen Marathon is quite a journey and it requires a lot of preparations, willingness and body strength. Starting from colorful Nyhavn, passing by historical Citadel and famous Round Tower will make runners feel like they are traveling through time. Now, the whole experience of the Copenhagen Marathon can be followed through digital materials like photos, videos, and online news

The London Marathon

The London Marathon is probably one of the exciting and fun events that every runner must attend. It’s a spectacle every year, followed by musicians, cheerleaders, and songs from non-participants. Despite the beautiful old streets of London, the most amusing are entertaining costumes that some runners wear during the race. You could see how Batman runs from Cutty Sark to the finish line near Big Ben and the Mall. It’s a tradition that is followed through years from all contestants. 

Because of its popularity and a large number of runners, the London Marathon has three starting points and they all connect at the Woolwich, near the Royal Artillery Barracks. The moment when all participants reunite is the most amazing and wonderful thing to see. So if you are preparing yourself for running a marathon, this one should be at the top of your list.

The Beauty of Marathons

It’s easy to observe that marathons are not just racing contests. They become spectacle events where people come from all around the world to cheer, attend and celebrate. A tradition where all runners make new friendships by supporting each other to accomplish their goals. 

It’s a challenge that extends people’s bonds and makes them stronger than ever before. If you are considering to attend one or all of them, it will most likely be an experience of a lifetime.


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