Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

In the last decade, professional translation agencies have become an extremely important asset in the arsenal of international corporations and businesses. Today, in a highly globalised and extremely fast-paced world, reliable communication is absolutely paramount across practically all corporate industries.  

As a result, we can witness a rapidly growing number of agencies and other language service providers, who cater directly to business clients and which are able to cover a wide range of linguistic solutions – from translations to interpreting or localisation. 

Nonetheless, choosing a translation company to work with can be a truly challenging process. This is especially true if you have not been in this position before.

With hundreds of different translation providers, how do you know exactly which one will be most suitable for your particular documents or project?

To make things a little bit easier, today we are going to look closer at one of the UK’s fastest growing translation agencies – ‘Translation Services 24’, and determine whether this provider is worth the hype it’s been receiving recently. So, let’s dig in! 

TS24 – who are they?

Translation Services 24 (TS24) is a professional translation agency founded in 2011 in London, UK, by Kiran Adatia. It was created with the goal of closing communication gap between their clients in a rapidly globalising world. 

Today, TS24 specialises in a number of different language solutions – from translations to interpreting, localisation and transcreation services. The Translation Services 24 official website states, that they “specialise in comprehensive and cost-effective translation services, localisation and managed solutions in over 200 languages for both large and small clients, from all corporate, government and private sectors.”

As you can see, it appears that the agency is able to provide translations as well as other language services across a number of different industries and languages. 

What do their clients say?

Today, Translation Services 24 (TS24) has grown to be one of the leading language agencies in the United Kingdom. As a result, it should come to you as no surprise that some of the world’s largest brands and organisations have partnered with them to become their clients in order to convert documents and content for a professional use. 

Nike, Universal Music, Saatchi & Saatchi are only some of the big names listed on their website as past or current customers. Ogilvy and BP UK have both provided TS24 with positive recommendations, and so it appears that all of the past clients mentioned previously had a good experience with this agency. We can see these independent reviews on sites such as CrunchBase.

Other independent reviews

Of course, all reviews found on any company’s official website must be taken with a pinch of salt. Consequently, in order to have an even better understanding of how past clients rate working with TS24, we have approached two of the top independent third-party review sites – Google Reviews & Trustpilot to gather more unbiased feedback.

Interestingly, with over 200 independent and third-party reviews from verified past clients, Translation Services 24 scored ‘excellent’ and 4.9 out of 5. This actually makes it one of the highest rated translation agencies in the United Kingdom. 

TS24 – competitors

Translation Services 24 is a specialist language agency, and in this extremely saturated industry, the competition is fierce.  

Looking at the expertise, client base as well as services and languages covered, we came to a conclusion that TS24 competes with a number of other high-profile translation agencies in the United Kingdom. Companies such as TransPerfect, Lingo24 and Lionbridge appear to be at the very top of the list and in close proximity of Translation Service 24’s expertise. Often, choosing the best translation agency for your particular needs depends on their expertise. So, depending on the type of content or documents you need to translate or the specific industry you work in, make sure to approach a company that specialises in similar projects. 

Languages covered

TS24 claims that they are able to cover more than 200 different languages and dialects. If true, this is a truly impressive number. Taking information from their official website, we can learn that they are able to translate from and into some of the most popular languages, such as French, German, Polish, Spanish or Chinese, but also languages which are definitely rarer, such as Aymara, Chichewa or Dari.

Turnaround times

Turnaround times is an extremely important aspect when it comes to professional translation services. Many businesses and individual clients require their documents converted as a matter of urgency, and so in order to be a top linguistic company, TS24 must offer a speedy service without compromising the quality of their work. Do they deliver this promise? We think so. 

With a turnaround time of up to 10,000 words within just 24 hours, TS24 is one of the fastest providers we have encountered in the industry. 


Now, something that matters most to perhaps majority of clients – prices. 

Whilst looking into the language translations industry, we’ve noticed that different firms have different ways of pricing their customers – from set fees to charging per word or per page. 

TS24’s prices are generally based on the per word basis. With charges starting at £0.06, this is slightly below the industry average, which we found to be around £0.08 per word. 

Of course, the final price is usually determined by the total number of words, type of your document as well as the required languages. Nonetheless, you should expect the price range to be anywhere between £0.06 to £0.12 per word. 

Customer service

Customer service is unfortunately a weak point for a number of companies in this industry. To run our comparison, we have contacted several of the UK top agencies, and at the time of writing this article (24 hours later), only 4 out of 10 have responded to our request. 

Was TS24 one of them? Yes. In fact, TS24 was the fastest company to get back to us with an official quote for translating our documents. They came across polite and professional and we were definitely pleased with their friendly approach.  Based on our own experience, we can give TS24’s customer service 5 out of 5 stars. 

Our final verdict

Translation Services 24 is one of the most ‘in-demand’ companies in the linguistic industry. We decided to take a closer look and decide, whether the agency is worth all the hype it’s been getting in 2022. With almost 5-star rating on Google and an ‘Excellent’ score on TripAdvisor, TS24 certainly seems to know its way around the industry. 

With a large number of industries and languages covered, an extensive network of translators and what’s most importantly (and something we experienced first-hand) fast and friendly customer service, we can certainly understand why the agency is one of the fastest growing providers in the United Kingdom. 

Is TS24 one of the top translation agencies in the UK? Certainly, yes. Our final score: 5/5 stars. 

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