Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
What Are the Most Effective Ways to Do Keyword Research?

Every SEO strategy requires research about the keywords, and prioritize it in the first place. Before you commence with writing the content for your site, you must identify and determine the suitable and appropriate search terms that are of high volume. The process includes pouring details, numbering and comparing the huge keyword lists. It is basically the heart of an entire content development procedure. Some of the ways to do robust research are stated below.

Studying the niche:

Before optimizing the page with the best keywords, you must gain as much knowledge as possible about your niche or topic. It will let you think out-of-the-box and find some SEO strategies that you were not aware of before. To study the niche while doing keyword research, try to talk with the existing customers and understand them more deeply. Try to think from your customer’s viewpoint. Get yourself involved in the selected topic or the online communities of the niche. Go through the discussions and identify the loopholes that are stated regarding your niche. Search out for the terms that are being used by the customers to describe your company, brand, services or products.

List down the related topics:

On the basis of the prime category of your brand and the objective that you want to achieve, break all these things into small segments. Prepare a list of all the topics that are closely related to the brand, that you want to put up on the rank of Google. For example, if your brand is specialized in selling women’s products, your topics may include- women’s face wash, skin deodorant and hair fall solution conditioners. The topics that you are going to choose must be the ones that are indispensable for your business and are relevant to the buyer’s wishes. Get into the searcher’s mind and understand what kind of topics they are most likely to search in Google. These topics can be later broken down into keywords.

Include the seed keywords in your list:

Now you are fully done with breaking down the main category into different sub-topics. At this point, you are ready to list down the seed keywords. These keywords must be relevant to all the various other topics and to be more specific, these will be considered as the terms that the targeted audience is more likely to Google up. The seed keywords are also known as the focus keywords. They serve as the foundation of the entire research regarding keywords. They not only help you in identifying the competitors but also exhibits the niche clearly. Finding the seed keywords are quite easy. All you have to do is, describe the things that you are going to offer as simple as possible and investigate, how the audiences might search for the item on Google.

Check out the long-tail keywords:

Seed keywords are generally the short search terms. On the other hand, some keywords are more descriptive and are usually relevant to the smaller buckets of the brand that consists of the sub-topics, known as the long-tail keywords. Predicting the long-tail keywords on the basis of search intent of the audience are much easier than the seed keywords. Therefore, it helps in attracting more potential and relevant customers compared to the focus keywords. Although they get fewer clicks, the focusing nature of it, on a particular product or topic often earns a higher conversion rate.


After you are done with the steps mentioned above, you get some good insights to craft a high-quality content and SEO strategy. It doesn’t matter whether you are running a small business, focused blog or even a brand, you will surely need quality research about the keywords to give a quick boost to your marketing and content activities. Although researching the keywords can be boring and time-consuming, it will surely be beneficial for you in the long run.

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