Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

To talk about dental periodontics , it is convenient to explain what the periodontium is. In its etymological origin, peri means around in Greek. For its part, odonto means tooth. Thus, by periodontium we understand the parts that hold the teeth. The function of keeping the teeth aligned and firm is the set of ligaments found within the bone socket of the maxilla. Specifically, the tissues are: the gingiva, the periodontal ligament, the alveolar bone and the root cement.

Once the periodontium is explained, it is much easier to understand what we mean when we talk about periodontal disease. Periodontitis is the disease that generally affects the gums, weakening them and preventing them from fulfilling their function of holding the teeth.You can consult more about periodontium with our silverton dentist.

This ailment is an infectious disease caused by germs and bacteria that are found in the mouth and that affect the body by degenerating the gum tissue and the ligaments that form it.

What are the symptoms of periodontitis?

The most characteristic feature of this disease is the loss of firmness of the support, which causes the teeth not to enjoy adequate support and, finally, they fall. Thus, the most common cause of tooth loss in adults is periodontic disease.

The symptoms that determine that the patient suffers from periodontitis are:

  • Excessive bleeding when brushing teeth or eating, coupled with a loss of firmness of the gum tissue.
  • Oral pain and inflammation in the area where the gums and teeth meet.
  • Unstable teeth with consequent change in bite and food intake habits.
  • Visual lengthening of the teeth, which appear more extensive due to receding or shortening of the gums.
  • Tooth pain with no apparent cause such as cavities.
  • Presence of interdental pus or in the gums, as the body’s response to trying to fight a bacteria.

How is periodontitis cured? Specialist treatment.

Depending on the severity of the periodontium disease, the treatment will be more or less incisive, because, if the disease is diagnosed in time, the effects can be reversible. Dental periodontics can be performed at two levels:

Mild periodontitis: If you go to the dentist when the disease is in its early stages, the specialist will proceed to scrape and smooth the root of the tooth, thus eliminating the bacterial plaque and periodontal pockets that cause the disease.

Severe periodontitis: In cases where the tissues have been highly affected and the effects of the bacteria cannot be reversed with a deep cleaning or superficial intervention, it will be necessary to resort to surgery to reconstruct the dental supports.

Regardless of the case, once the dentist has diagnosed periodontitis, it will be essential to visit the clinic every 3 or 6 months to maintain cleanliness, avoid the proliferation of bacteria and maintain the good condition of the gums and ligaments.

Treatment for periodontitis

Go periodically to the consultation of your trusted Silverton dentist, maintain a regular oral and dental cleaning and eat natural ingredients to avoid damaging the health of your mouth.

By kabir

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