Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
furnished apartmentfurnished apartment over a hotel in London

Not so long ago, hotels were the premier choice for travelers looking for short-term accommodation. In recent times, however, travelers’ preferences for short-term stays have shifted towards furnished apartments. This trend has been spurred by the emergence of online services that make booking apartments virtually effortless.

If you plan on traveling to London and can’t decide between booking a hotel room or a furnished apartment, this article is the perfect guide for you.


Unlike some parts of the world, London lacks a definitive interpretation of the word ‘furnished apartment’. No law stipulates what a furnished apartment should have. For this reason, you might encounter varied set-ups of furnished apartments.

For instance, you might find an apartment with a bed and couches but without kitchen utensils, or find one with a bed and kitchenware but missing chairs. Consequently, it is prudent for one to be inch-perfect on what they need furnished in their desired apartments.

That said, below are instances when you should pick that furnished apartment instead of a hotel room when in London.

When you want more privacy

Let’s face it; there isn’t a better time to pick that furnished apartment than now. Even as Covid-19 loosens its hold on people’s livelihoods, watered-down restrictions are still in play in London. Visitors from certain countries are required to quarantine for 10 days upon their arrival in the city.

Unlike hotels, furnished apartments for rent in London are a great way to isolate yourself. And even if you are not in self-isolation, staying in a furnished apartment greatly reduces the risk of the cross-contamination that is quite common in hotels due to shared facilities.

Finally, furnished apartments offer more privacy than hotel rooms. Your belongings are also more secure, as you are the only one with access to your living space during the duration of your stay. Party walls in London are even common in apartments to minimize arguments over privacy.

When your stay is extended 

When compared to hotels, furnished apartments are oftentimes cheaper when you are staying for a longer period. If you are planning to stay for a month or more, you are better off checking yourself into a furnished apartment rather than a hotel. You can achieve even bigger savings if you choose to prepare your meals and do your laundry with the facilities provided in furnished flats.

But that’s not all! The benefits of renting a furnished apartment go well beyond financial savings. Compared to hotel rooms, an average furnished apartment is more spacious. As such, you are more comfortable and relaxed staying there. In addition, the extra space allows for a bit of tinkering if you need to make the place feel like home.

When you need your freedom

Furnished apartments are just like homes. Unlike in a hotel room, where you are dictated by daily schedules, in a furnished rental you have the freedom to plan your stay to suit your preferences. For example, you can decide when to do cleaning, what to have for meals, and what time to get up, among other freedoms. Additionally, you can have friends come over and spend the night in your apartment, something that could prove problematic while staying in a hotel.

When you want to enjoy the local experience

If you are going to London and want to enjoy an authentic experience of daily life, check yourself into a furnished apartment rather than a hotel. Here is why; if you stay in a serviced apartment, you get to live as the locals do. When you run low on groceries, you can head to the local market and replenish your pantry. You can also mingle with the locals at the laundromat as you take your basket of clothes for a wash. In summary, staying in a furnished rental allows you to do more things than you can while staying in a hotel.

Furnished apartment or hotel?

For quite some time, hotels have been the dominant hosts to most people visiting London. But now, more travelers are beginning to look at furnished flats as feasible alternatives to hotels for various reasons. Top on that list is cost effectiveness, especially for people looking to stay for a few weeks or months. Indeed, renting a furnished apartment can save you up to 40% in costs compared to staying in a hotel.

Additionally, more people are beginning to realize that choosing a furnished apartment over a hotel gives them more freedom and privacy. You get to plan your schedule, decide when to eat, clean, do laundry or go out. In a nutshell, furnished rentals are an extension of your home life.

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