Thu. Sep 12th, 2024
Why It's Important To Schedule More Downtime for Your Mental Health

Any doctor or psychologist can tell you that the human mind and body work together. Poor physical health can be a cause of depression and anxiety. On the flip side, mental health issues can be enough to cause chronic pain, obesity, and other issues that impact a person’s physical wellness. The best answer to improving your health is downtime where your mind and body can reset.

To see how improved mental health can lead to improved overall wellness, read on.

Road Trips and Mental Health


Many people in the United States are finding ways to unwind at an affordable price by exploring the national park system. If road trips are something you enjoy, it could be a good idea to join them by picking up a list of National Parks. From the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to the trails and caves in Nevada, planning a new destination and even the scenic drive toward it can be a good way to break up feelings of isolation and hopelessness.

The great news is you don’t even need an RV to explore national parks. The national park system offers amenities for all types of campers and even climbers. Whether you decide to fly to the Grand Canyon or take a train to get to the best glaciers, everglades, or national monuments, a road trip with someone you love or even alone could be a great way to decompress. Not sure where to go? Consider the following: Big Bend National Park, New River Gorge National Park, the Rocky Mountains, Denali National Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, Gateway Arch National Park, Great Sand Dunes National Park, or the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. All are fantastic places to unwind and enjoy the wildflowers, mountain ranges, and scenery. You might also catch a glimpse of some bison, elk, black bears, brown bears, grizzly bears, and bats!

Making a Plan With a Therapist


Has stress got you down to the point where you’re having physical symptoms? Migraines, insomnia, and aches and pain can all be great reasons to see a therapist from a place like Berkshire Therapy Group. A therapist can help you prioritize your dreams and ways to unwind. They can also give you tools to handle any relationship challenges you’re facing. Best of all, they’ll encourage you to be the best version of yourself. A therapist will also tell you that the best way to improve your mood and address your issues is to engage in activities of self-care.

Living Your Dreams Now


The global pandemic has taught us all just how short life can be and how interconnected we are. One thing all humans have in common is dreams. People all over the world, from South Dakota to Europe and New Mexico, are realizing it’s important to live our dreams now.

Perhaps you’ve always wanted to swim in a hot spring or kayak on a Grand Canyon river. Waiting on chasing dreams can be damaging to your mental wellness. In using your remote job or new lifestyle as a way to take some time to unplug, you can improve your mood and physical health. A simple trip to a national park to walk along the redwoods can increase hope in uncertain times. Not only will chasing waterfalls or exploring volcanoes mean a break from day-to-day stressors, but each activity can serve as great exercise. In other words, if you’ve always dreamed about a hike in Bryce Canyon, there’s no better time to do it than now.

Whether you decide to take time off to tour a national park, take a road trip across the United States, become a hiker, or just go on a scenic drive, making time for self-care and downtime can improve physical health. While it can be difficult to pull away from daily responsibilities, one of the best things you can do for yourself to avoid burnout is make a plan to take some time out now. Consider booking that trip to Great Basin National Park or Yellowstone now — you’ll thank yourself for it later.

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