Tue. Sep 10th, 2024
Why PUBG Mobile is the world’s best-selling game

By now, most of us are probably aware of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, and its (and its developer’s) meteoric rise to becoming the world’s most popular video game.

While it’s clear that PUBG Mobile has been popular since it launched back in March, what’s even more interesting is the fact that the game has managed to sell over 3.5 million copies in just 2 months, taking it past Clash Royale and Super Mario Run to become the best-selling game of 2017.

It’s good to see that PUBG Mobile continues to fly up the charts, and I think it’s an excellent example of the different ways publishers can make a mobile game successful. PUBG Mobile has recently launched iPad view, now you can set iPad view in PUBG Mobile.

Mobile gamers have been looking for a good battle royale game for years now, with many developers promising to deliver one when their big releases launched, but PUBG Mobile has gone from strength to strength thanks to its free-to-play model and its unique 100 player twist.

If you’re not yet a fan, you might just become one, which is why it’s good to see publishers take a different approach to create mobile games, as it’s undoubtedly proven to be a successful strategy.

Further, do you know how to control recoil in PUBG Mobile? Here is the complete info on how to control recoil on iPads.

PUBG Mobile also available for PC

PUBG Mobile was inspired by the PC version, which launched all the way back in March. The success of the game on the PC platform – and now its newly huge player base on iOS – has been a surprise, as the game had been built from the ground up for mobile, and PC players had predicted that the game wouldn’t do very well on mobile.

In fact, mobile gamers had been expressing their lack of interest in the game since the announcement that it was coming to Android.

Further, if you play PUBG Mobile on pc then you can fix lag on Emulator in PUBG Mobile.

While PUBG PC is an amazing game, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants a battle royale game to get addicted to, it’s certainly true that some people prefer playing on their home PCs, and some also like using their mobile devices for games.

The success of the game on mobile has proven that many people do love to play mobile games, but I think that many developers would be hesitant to make their games for mobile, as it’s a much different audience than on a PC, Mac, or even a console.

At launch, there was a large difference in what people were playing on PC and on mobile devices, with mobile games, on the whole, being more profitable and successful, which made PUBG Mobile a logical choice. The game had a great, unique twist on a traditional battle royale game, and mobile players will do whatever it takes to get a free-to-play title, so the release of the game for mobile was a good fit.

Bottom Line

PUBG Mobile has also made a huge effort to expand its game in order to give players an interesting experience. The map has been massively expanded in order to create more maps to play on, which has made it more fun to play. The new game mode, currently called Vault, is also good, but it has many similarities with the battle royale mode in PUBG PC, so I’m curious to see what new modes will be added later. PUBG Mobile is a good game, and I hope to see the game continue to do well.

By admin

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