Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Does the thought of visiting your dentist make you so anxious? Would you rather endure the agony of a toothache than go for a dental extraction? You are not alone; many people dread going to the dentist and prefer no treatment. If you get anxious about the dentist, Miami Gables sedation dentistry can relieve some of your anxiety and help you relax during a dental procedure. Your dentist can use sedation for invasive procedures to simple tooth cleaning; this depends on the severity of the fear.

What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry, known as sleep dentistry, uses medication to calm patients during dental procedures. Usually, you will be awake, except if you are under general anesthesia. Different sedation levels your dentist uses include minimal, moderate, deep sedation, and general anesthesia.

Minimal sedation involves inhaling nitrous oxide or laughing gas through a mask over your nose or mouth. The gas helps you to remain relaxed and remain calm throughout the procedure. Your dentist can control the amount of nitrous oxide you inhale and adjust the dosage if necessary. Once the procedure is done, you will inhale oxygen to flush out laughing gas from your system. Nitrous oxide tends to wear off quickly; it is the only form of sedation where you can drive yourself home after the procedure.

Oral sedation ranges from minimal to moderate, depending on your total dose. You will take a pill for minimal sedation, but larger doses may be given to achieve moderate sedation. Moderate sedation makes you so dizzy that you might fall asleep during the procedure. However, a gentle shake is enough to arouse you from sleep.

Your dentist can also administer the sedative drug through a vein; this causes the medicine to work more quickly. In some cases, dentists use general anesthesia, meaning you are unconscious during the procedure. You cannot be easily awakened until the anesthesia effects wear off or are reversed with medication.

What are the risks of sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is generally safe when given by experienced dentists, but getting anesthesia is always risky. You should consult your doctor before sedation dentistry, especially if you are obese or have obstructive sleep apnea. This is because these conditions increase your risk of developing complications from the anesthesia.

You also want to ensure your dentist is trained and qualified for sedation dentistry. As a smart patient, you should ensure that your dentist reviews your medical history; this allows your dentist to determine whether you are a good candidate for sedation dentistry. You should also ask about the sedative dose appropriate for your age and health and whether it is within the dose recommended by the FDA.

You also want to ensure your dentist is experienced; find out how many procedures they have performed using sedation. Review the form detailing the procedure’s risks and ask questions if you need clarification on any wording.

If you have been postponing treatments due to fear, consult your dentist at Gables Sedation Dentistry to know how you can benefit from sedation dentistry.

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