Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
7 Proven Tips to Enhance Your Website Security

One of the relevant issues to address when it comes to the internet realm is online security. Although the average internet user may not be so bothered about this issue, most internet business and website owners are and should be.

As an online company owner, creating a healthy atmosphere for your customers and visitors is very vital.  It can pose a real threat to your business if your business prospects don’t feel safe and secure visiting your website or even transacting some bits of business on it from fear of possibly having their sensitive information stolen and their financial details compromised. 

It is therefore very critical that you regularly monitor your site for safety, prevent and stop malware, viruses, and other nasties online. If you don’t, your website could crash or you may lose significant income.

Beyond the loss of revenue, hacking can result in severe traffic losses on your website, Google penalties, and identity theft of people who use your website – which includes you, your staff and your online customers.

Here are the top 7 proven tips to enhance your website security:

  • Carefully choose your website host 

A reliable hosting company will not allow strangers or hackers to access your website without authorized permission. They take care of daily maintenance, provide you with the appropriate uptime, and sufficient protection, which provides a high degree of customer experience for your guests. 

Most business owners tend to select the cheapest hosting service available, but this often proves to be counter-productive in the long run. This does not suggest that cost equates always value, but it can be a good pointer nonetheless. If you’re looking for great hosting services at fair rates, providers like HeartInternet, 1&1 and Discount Domains are well recommended. 

Read here- How To Configure An SSL Certificate In WordPress

  1. Create good passwords for administration 

Often the most straightforward phase of internet protection, creating a strong password,  is usually overlooked. Passwords that are simple to recall are generally cracked with brute strength attacks very quickly, so make sure that you create a complex mix of top and bottom keys, symbols, and numbers when you build an admin pass. 

However, do not use the same password often, and you can write your passwords in a piece of paper and put them into your wallet if you can not remember your passwords. It is the safest form, although old-fashioned.

  • Using  multi-factor authentication

Regardless of how strong your passwords are, it may be broken sooner or later. The truth is that technology is changing continually. It is only a matter of time before hackers arm themselves with new devices or apps to enable them to break through the toughest of passwords.

On any related account, you can enforce multi-factor authentication. This operates by attaching another authentication element to the user login credentials. In other terms, you will also have an authentication code or token that is sent to your phone or any mobile device, aside from having your user name or password for login. 

The new authentication framework is essential because hackers seek out all of the details they could need to reach the confidential data to break into all their networks at the same time.

  1. Make sure the website software is updated 

When your website is hosted on a content management system, software applications are modified and fixed frequently. Not only for new functionality and enhancements, these improvements and fixes include the protection upgrades that are required. 

When you don’t periodically upgrade your domain, the platform will likely be exposed to foreign threats and susceptible to security breaches. So if you want to stop that, seek to keep your website software updated. Third-party software applications could lead to conflicts inside your website code that could cause security vulnerabilities that are unknown to you. 

Act more to build the features of your website that will be compatible with the code of your website. It would probably cost you a little more money, but it sure does pay off from a defence standpoint.

  • Utilize an SSL Certificate 

Simply placed, a Secure Socket Layer certificate offers a protected link to the website to transfer data electronically. The “S” represents “secure” in (HTTPS) which means  Hypertext Transfer Protocol. That’s why domains with an “HTTPS” suffix in their URLs are most likely to be used by internet consumers.

You can provide your customers with a safe environment by installing an SSL Certificate for an additional safety layer on your website.

  • Always restrict admin logins 

We discussed the value of a unique administrative password, but we did not explain the significance of not exchanging the password with others. The more users learn your secret, the more insecure your website becomes. 

Many access to the administrative account renders the website much more insecure. This is why admin logins should only be limited to unique workers and IPs. 

It is important to protect and restrict your website to everyone with an IP that is not listed. Secure the site irrespective of whether anyone inside or outside the organization is willing to access your password.

  • Monitor your network consistently

By routinely running network checks and carefully tracking all that goes on in your website,  your network will be properly secured, especially if protection controls are implemented. Standard penetration checks should also be carried out. You can also try being a threat against your network to ensure the protection procedures are appropriate. 

In addition, when you’re not available, ensure you recruit the best people to take charge of monitoring your network.

Read here- How To Duplicate A Page In WordPress


Just a minor data breach may have significant implications on a company: revenue failure, ruined reputations, court action, and so forth. Most internet customers have their contact details and often even payment card information confiding in big businesses (most online retailers). 

Digital company cyber threats occur every day, and confidential consumer details and internal information are prone to hackers. It is required that website owners follow the above tips to enhance their site security. Many mechanisms are now accessible to businesses and organizations to perform routine website safety tests.

By admin

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