Mon. Sep 9th, 2024

Online ecommerce is now a 4 trillion USD industry as per the statistics of 2020. This huge number shows that ecommerce has developed a lot over the years, and it’s a good time for investors to step into the ecommerce space. 

But remember that running a successful ecommerce store is not a pipedream. You have to ensure that you review your target industry, gather information about your target audience, and implement the right strategies to ensure that you make more sales. 

Are you new to the world of ecommerce and want to know how you can make more sales? Keep reading to find seven actionable tips to make this goal achievable for you in 2022!

1) Think about your target audience 

Before you invest your time and effort in different marketing strategies, the first thing you have to do is identify your target audience’s needs. You have to learn what your audience wants and how you can provide it to them. 

The good thing about audience research is that it reveals important information for your business. You learn how you can introduce new products and services to the market and what changes you can make to your existing products to get better results. 

Start with creating a buyer persona to develop proper marketing strategies. Doing so will ensure that you don’t waste your time on strategies that don’t bring results for you. 

2) Make your website “Mobile-friendly”

More than half of the people who get online use smartphones to browse the internet. To ensure that you can cater to all these customers, you will have to ensure that your website fits all your smartphone users. 

Remember that your ecommerce website was developed on a computer, and it’s fit to run on a desktop computer. You will have to make manual changes to your website to make it good for your smartphone users. Some of the good features of a mobile-friendly website are:

  • Responsiveness of a website. 
  • Proper structuring of web pages.
  • Absence of useless Pop-ups and ads.
  • A speedy website that loads up easily. 
  • Simpler web design for mobile users.
  • Larger font size for improved visibility. 

Make sure you optimize your website by looking at all the factors mentioned above. If you don’t have time or skills to do it yourself, you can consider Mobile SEO Hong Kong services to ensure that your website is compelling for your smartphone customers. 

3) Don’t ignore the SEO

Remember that most people worldwide rely on search engines to find information and products they want. You have to ensure that your website shows up when someone in your target industry searches for a product that you sell online. 

The only website your website can top the SERPs is by optimizing it for SEO. Proper SEO includes the practices that make your website great for both the search engine crawlers and your target audience. For simplicity and practical purposes, SEO can be divided further into three categories:

The good thing about SEO is that it doesn’t require you to spend a lot of money. However, remember that doing SEO for your website can take up a lot of time. Invest in social media marketing

4) Get help from leading influencers

To make more sales on your ecommerce store, the first thing you have to do is build trust in your target audience. Remember that your customers will be hesitant to shop from you if you have not been in the industry for a long time. 

A simple thing that can make it easier for you to attract more customers is contacting influencers in your target industry. Working with influencers, termed “Influencer marketing,” allows you to build rapport with your audience. 

Your customers will be more willing to shop from you when influencers promote your products. However, depending on the influencers you reach out to, you may have to spend a lot of money on this marketing strategy. 

5) Think about email marketing 

What if all the social media platforms ban you all of a sudden? How will you be able to stay in touch with your customers in such a situation? The only way you can still stay connected with your customers is by using email marketing. 

A common misconception about email marketing is that it’s no longer useful. However, the truth is that good old email marketing is still bringing great results for businesses worldwide. 

Setting up email marketing for your business can take a lot of time. However, it’s worth investing your time and effort in developing a proper email marketing strategy. Make sure you turn your attention to email marketing once you optimize your business for the aforementioned strategies. 

6) Use video marketing for your store 

Online videos have become more accessible and influential over the years. Instead of only producing content for your socials and your blog, you must also focus on video marketing. 

The good thing about video marketing is that it can be used for all marketing channels. With proper videos, you can attract more customers and explain the benefits of your products.

Here are some actionable video marketing tips you should adopt:

  • Post new videos according to a schedule. 
  • Include videos as tutorials on your store. 
  • Make your videos creative and fun. 
  • Build your brand voice with proper videos. 
  • Make sure you optimize videos for SEO. 
  • Add proper CTAs to all your videos. 

7) Focus on remarketing

Almost all ecommerce store owners are sick of the “Abandoned carts.” However, keep in mind that following proper strategies can help you solve the problem of abandoned carts for your online store. 

Here are some proven remarketing tips that can help your store:

  • Encourage your customers to take a step. 
  • Build a strong brand online to keep people interested. 
  • Divide all your audience into proper segments for easier access. 
  • Use “Dynamic retargeting” to get specific in your efforts. 
  • Focus on responsive ads that encourage customers to take action. 
  • Stay in touch with customers who have abandoned their carts online. 
  • Show ads to people who have already bought from you. 

Also read An Introduction to Thermistor

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