Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

We all know that one of the most popular social media platforms for promoting our business is Facebook. It has more than 2 billion active users around the world and provides a great opportunity for us to promote our businesses for free.

Facebook has many platforms such as Facebook business page, Facebook Group, Messenger, Instagram, and many more where we can promote our products and services without spending a single penny.


As we can see there are many ways through which we can promote our businesses on Facebook but today, I have decided to share with you valuable tips on the Facebook group.Let’s get started.

8 valuable tips described here will let you know about what you should be doing before and after the creation of the Facebook group for your business.

8 Valuable Tips- Before Creating A Facebook Group

  1. Do Proper Research:

Never create a Facebook group before doing proper research. So, before creating a Facebook group your first priority should be to find a group similar to your business.

  1. Analyze Your Competitor:
    When you have found a group similar to your business, your first approach should be to check how many members does the group have?

Always try to target a group that has more than 5000+ active members. Never do a postmortem on a group which has less than 5000 members because it will be a waste and you will lose your valuable time. Thus, it will be ineffective and of no use.

  1. Give Proper Name and fill up all the basic details:
    After competitor analysis, start creating a Facebook group. Give proper name and fill up all the details one by one and then invite your friends. Never forget to insert keyword in the name.
  2. Never Forget to create Rules:
    When you create a Facebook group you are automatically assigned as an admin and you have the full access to control and manage the FB group. You can assign roles to the members such as admin, moderator, or contributor.
    If you don’t know how to assign roles to members you can take the reference from “How To Add Admin To Facebook Group”.
    As an admin it will be your responsibility to control spam in the group. So, always track your members’ activity to know what kind of posts or content they are posting in the group.
    In order to control spamming you can create your own Facebook group rule. By default Facebook provides 4 rules which you can add instantly or you can create your own customized 6 rules.
    Four default rules of Facebook group are: 1) Be kind and Courteous, 2) No hate speech and bullying, 3) No promotion or spam, and 4) Respect everyone privacy.
  3. Make Your Facebook Group Public:
    Keep your group public and visible. Keeping private will not help you to gain visibility in Facebook search engine.
  4. Never Leave “Group Settings” info incomplete and empty:
    Always provide basic group information available under the section “Group settings” such as “Name and description”, “location”, “Tags”, and many more.
  5. Ask Questions Before Joining the Group:
    Always set parameters and ask questions from users before joining the group. Asking questions will help you to understand your customer needs. This setting is available under the group setting’s “Membership” section.
  6. Select Available Features:
    If you are serious about the growth of your Facebook group then always make use of the available features in the Facebook group. Right now, it has 5 important features; these are Rooms, Mentorship, Watch Party, Post Topics, and Jobs. Make use of these features for engagements.


These are the 8 essential strategies; I do before and after creating the Facebook group for any businesses or clients.

I hope you have thoroughly enjoyed the article. On the other hand, if you want to learn more tips and tricks on Facebook, WhatsApp or any social media, I would suggest you to visit the blog “Beingoptimist(dot)com”.

By admin

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