Fri. May 17th, 2024

There are many incidents in the home that can provoke a huge headache, and a drain clogging up can be one of them. Clogged drains can be incredibly inconvenient, not to mention, they can cause potential damage to your home plumbing system. Luckily, there are a few effective ways you can manage a clogged drain yourself before calling in the professionals. Here are 5 top tips to help you clear those stubborn blockages and keep your plumbing flowing smoothly.

Prevention with Mesh Drain Guards

Mesh drain guards are great for preventing clogged drains. These simple and affordable devices prevent clogging by catching hair, soap residue, and other debris before they have a chance to cause a blockage. Once installed, it is vital to regularly clean the guards. Not only will this ensure optimum performance, but it will also help you keep your home hygienic. This proactive approach not only prevents clogged drains but also promotes a healthier plumbing system in the long run.

Dislodge Minor Clogs with Boiling Water

Sometimes, a simple solution can be surprisingly effective. Boiling water and pouring it down the drain is a quick and easy method that can dislodge minor clogs. This clog prevention method is particularly useful for grease or soap scum build-ups. However, it is best to exercise caution when it comes to plastic pipes, as boiling water might cause damage. Stick to this tip for regular maintenance of metal pipes to prevent future clogs. However, if you’ve got a serious and urgent clogging problem on your hands, it is best to seek emergency plumbing services. All professional plumbing services have a team of experienced plumbers who can unblock your drains and help ensure they flow freely. Local services can be found all over and can include warranties for drain cleaning, parts, and labor.

Use a Winning Combination of Baking Soda and Vinegar

One of the oldest and most effective homemade solutions to unclog a drain is the winning combination of baking soda and vinegar. Start by pouring a cup of baking soda down the drain, then a cup of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Cover the drain then wait for at least half an hour before slowly pouring hot water down directly down it. This natural and non-toxic mixture can leave your drain refreshed by breaking down grease, grime, and other debris.

The Mighty Plunger

The plunger is a go-to for unclogging drains. For best results, ensure you have a tight seal over the drain and plunge vigorously. The pressure created can help dislodge stubborn blockages. Make sure you choose the appropriate plunger for your particular situation.

Take the DIY Drain Snake Approach

An auger, also called a drain snake, are designed to break up and pull-out debris from drains. Insert the auger into the drain and turn it to catch the blockage. Slowly retract the auger. This DIY method requires a bit more effort, but it is highly effective in reaching deep into the pipes.

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