Thu. May 2nd, 2024

Contact lenses have been in use since the late 1800’s and with the passage of time, their use has actually increased owing to a number of factors. Advancements in technology have not only made safer and easier-to-use lenses but a number of different types of lenses are now available in the market ensuring that they cater to our needs. From prescription contact lenses to color-enhancing lenses and even special-effects/ costume or Halloween contact lenses; there is a lot to choose from!

If you are thinking of switching to contact lenses or want to try them out for a costume party, then you are in the right place!

Contact Lens Material Plays an Important Role

Depending on the material used in the manufacturing of contact lenses, there are four basic types of lenses:

  • Soft lenses were first introduced in the 1970’s and they are made up of a soft, gel-like plastic known as hydrogel. These blue eye contacts are thin and extremely pliable that makes it easy for the lens to conform to the shape of the eye.
  • Silicone hydrogel lenses are a step ahead of the soft lenses as they are more porous and allow more oxygen to reach the cornea. This makes them more suitable for use and this is also one of the reasons why these lenses are more popular.
  • Gas permeable lenses are rigid but porous, making them perfect for extended-wear. They are generally used by people suffering from astigmatism and can take a little time in adjusting to them. Once you get used to wearing them, there is no looking back.
  • Hybrid lenses are a combination of gas-permeable, soft and silicone hydrogel lenses. These lenses are difficult to fit and expensive too, so very few people are using these lenses.

PMMA lenses are another type of lenses that are made up of a rigid material known as polymethylmethacrylate, but these lenses are rarely prescribed as they are not only extremely rigid but are also difficult to adapt to.

How Long Should the Lenses Be Worn?

Till the late 70’s, anyone who wore lenses had to take them out before going to bed and clean them thoroughly. Now, depending on the time that you can actually wear your lenses, they have been divided into two main types.

  • Daily-wear lenses should be taken off nightly.
  • Extended wear lenses can be worn over-night and sometimes up to 7 days consecutively. However, better go with the first tip!

Besides this, there are daily disposable lenses that should be discarded daily, disposable lenses that should be discarded within two weeks and then we have the frequent replacement lenses that should be discarded monthly.

Special Contact Lenses

If the custom prescription lenses aren’t cutting it for you, then you need to take a look at some of the special contact lenses that are available in the market.

Scleral Lenses

These lenses are unique as they are of a larger diameter than the normal lenses and completely cover the cornea and a major portion of the sclera, too. These lenses don’t touch the cornea and instead only rest on the sclera, leading to formation of a vault between the eye and the backside of the lens.

This allows the tears to fill up in the vault and helps in keeping the eyes moist. These lenses are generally used for the treatment of dry eyes, keratoconus and even astigmatism.

Colored Lenses

Colored lenses are having a big moment and there is a good reason for that! Besides making a fashion statement with these lenses, you can actually change your overall look. That said, colored lenses are also of two major types. Those that only enhance the natural color of your eyes and those that totally change the color of your eyes. You can have your pick!

Special-Effects Lenses

As far as special-effects lenses are concerned, Halloween contact lenses are the most popular amongst all and what’s more? You can use them for any costume party you are attending.

From black sclera lenses to white-out lenses to even bloody red lenses, there is a plethora of lenses to choose from. A few important things to remember when using Halloween lenses are mentioned below

  • Halloween lenses are basically just like regular lenses except that have a pattern or a bold color.
  • These lenses are thicker than regular lenses so you might take some time getting used to them. However, their thickness makes it easier to put them in and take them out.
  • The most important thing to remember about Halloween lenses is that you will need a prescription, even if you don’t have any visual problems. This will ensure that you will get a properly-fitted pair of lenses.
  • Never, ever share your contact lenses with anyone.
  • Just like regular lenses, make sure you take them off before going to bed.

Halloween Lenses Can Make or Break Your Halloween Avatar, So Always Choose Wisely!

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