Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
Sexual Harassment

Sexual intimidation is a growing problem. There are multiple accounts of sexual harassment at the workplace, and even on college campuses. In this day and age, not be constantly aware of what is going on in society can be dangerous. As many women as men have been victims of sexual harassment across the nation.

Sexual harassment is one of the current social issues that the US has been facing for decades.

Social issues in US concerning Americans are in good numbers. We should think about this issue because it is not just a small issue for women only, but it is also a matter of concern for men. The media has been highlighting the National Report on Sexual Harassment. There are many types of research regarding sexual abuse. It shows that sexual harassment affects the lives of both men and women so much and there are cases in all industries and jobs because it does not follow any gender lines.

Harassing Men, Women, and Children on the Job

This is a social issue across the globe that should not be taken lightly. It has been proven in many studies that sexual harassment has left many men, women, and children emotionally traumatized.

About one-quarter of U.S. workers have been sexually harassed on the job, a new study shows. Because of this issue, many American companies have to address this topic at seminars and speeches. However, this does not always work because there have been numerous cases of sexual harassment all over America adding US social issues.

Sexual Harassment Shouldn’t Be Just for Women Anymore

There are uncountable incidents when men are sexually ill-treated by another man but not reported. They would feel ashamed to come in the notice. The population of such men has increased drastically.

There are many different types of sexual harassment. Ill-treatment can be unwanted advances, requests for sexual favors, or coercion to participate in sexual behavior, as well as the use of physical power to force someone into sexual acts. Sexual harassment accumulating all the notice and attention towards social issues globally.

One type of sexual intimidation that is being talked about is called “tech-harassment” – This may include inappropriate comments, emails, and contact on social media platforms and mobile apps.

Are We Going to Stop Sexual Harassment?

Although, there may not be the perfect solution to eliminate sexual abuse. Yet everyone has a responsibility to take part. There are so many factors that we can do. For example, being aware of the possible situations of sexual harassment and reporting them.

We can also change the way we talk about this topic to empower victims and let them know that they are not alone and that we do not support the assaulter. However, this is just one small step towards the bigger goal as many Americans continue facing workplace sexual harassment. It is an ideal social issue topic in the region leading to a messy situation and sounds dangerous to human life too.

Sexual Harassment is a growing problem and has been aggravated. It is time to take strict action and laws, but the must is to change yourself. Respect and love conquering the arena of morality.

Enough measures to be taken to eradicate this social issue in the world as it is high time. In the United States, sexual harassment is a big problem. A vast majority of U.S. companies have policies that address sexual harassment on the job, but not all of these policies are effective or enforced in the workplace. Many women are subjected to sexual harassment at work, yet many women do not report it for many different reasons and there may be many different reasons as to why they do not report it.

Society as a whole need to transform the mindset and point of view towards sexuality. Victims of such horrible encounters should be treated with immense care and comfort. Treat them equally and make sure such events don’t persist in our community. For a better future of human evolution, this revolutionary transformation is vital and of utmost importance.

Furthermore, you should know the Michigan Statutory Laws. It says that if someone has been found to be engaged in any sexual activity with a minor (below 16), he/she has violated the Michigan age of consent. And, legal action can be taken against them.

Also, cutting the branches of such social issues in America would make an impactful difference to the world. As a supreme power, other countries look upon the US as a nation to lead.

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