Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
How Can Sustainable Commercial Cleaning Help Save the Planet?

It’s reported that every year, about 12.6 million individuals die from environmental health risks, and this is well-confirmed by the World Health Organization. Baring that in mind, not only do humans have a responsibility to look after the environment, businesses do as well.

The importance of eco-friendly cleaning cannot be underrated and diverse companies with a forward-mindset in the government, education, and healthcare sectors do emphasise its relevance. With sustainable commercial cleaning, companies can utilise those services and help play their part in helping the environment by using environmentally friendly cleaning products and methods of cleaning.

The new era of sustainability has risen and this is resulting from concerns about global warming and environmental health risks. The need to be environmentally conscious has become pretty pertinent and consumers from different parts of the world are gradually becoming more aptly supportive as they now have more tendencies of patronising companies that care about environmental issues and they as well keep bracing up themselves in adopting helpful shopping habits.

Consequential to this, meeting the sustainability expectations of consumers has become a priority and this is why you’ll find a lot of companies getting engaged in what is known as corporate social responsibility (CSR). These activities promote resource and energy conservation, issues environmental declarations, encourage green purchasing and usage of environment-friendly materials, and generally put all that concerns conserving the environment into cognisance. 

Saving the Planet with Sustainable Commercial Cleaning

A commercial cleaning service with green ethics is a great way to reduce the impact of the pressure on the environment and obliging to sustainable commercial cleaning is one of the proven, effective ways to look after our business and planet, which we all know to be an essential and vital thing to do. 

While some companies are making the switch to green energy providers, some are massively investing in cycling to work schemes, and most others have already gone paperless; as we all know that cutting carbon emissions and reducing paper waste is a very crucial thing to do. 

Nevertheless, it’s still worthy to point out that a lot of business owners are still in darkness regarding the kind of effect they have on the environment with the commercial cleaning services they offer. 

And, the truth of it all is that going green for office cleaning services and indulging in eco-friendly practices as you render services for commercial cleaning have a momentous, positive effect on the environment because the employees, the ozone, and the wildlife are at great risk of being negatively impacted by methods that abuse the environment and usage of chemical cleaning products. 

How you’ll be affecting the environment positively with sustainable commercial cleaning.  

  • You’ll be guaranteeing the safety of your employees. The top priority of any company or organisation should be the safety of visitors, clients, and of course, the employees. A lot of factors must be taken care of in preventing the spread of germs and viruses to ensure the good health of the employees. 

Those with asthma or other respiratory problems can be detrimentally affected by the harmful Ethanolamines which are contained in a lot of popular chemical cleaning products. If the workplace does not operate green cleaning practices, there’s a high chance that Monoethanolamine will be present, and this is unhealthy as it can bring about asthma attacks from the inflammation they cause. 

  • You’ll be saving wildlife. Actions have consequences and this talks about how the bloodstream and food get contaminated by toxic cleaning chemicals, amidst their several negative effects. Wildlife is at the risk of being affected by cleaning services that are nonchalant about eco-friendly practices because the ocean, rivers, and streams get affected by the contaminated water which often gets to find its way into the ecosystem

Also, it should be noted that this contaminated water is where mammals like water voles, otters, and a few other fish species live, placing them at the risk of death, developing birth defects, breeding issues, and growth problems. 

  • You can make a difference to climate change. Yes, you can make a difference with ease by going green with your office cleaning or other services for commercial cleaning you offer. Nowadays, climate change is a core for so many businesses and with conscious green practices in cleaning, you can play your part in saving the planet by helping in making a difference. 
  • Plastic waste reduction. It’s pretty easy for businesses to forgo the packaging cleaning chemicals come in when commercial cleaning companies work on sourcing their own products. As we all know that eco-friendly shopping bags and reusable water bottles are already the norm, using single-use plastics is no longer an option to reckon with, and due to the nature of the containers housing these chemicals for cleaning, they can barely be recycled or reused. 
  • You’ll get a great PR – this one is for you. The environment is not the only beneficiary of good eco-friendly cleaning methods, you also stand to enjoy some accolades over green cleaning and being eco-conscious as a business owner. As a result of your green cleaning services, you’ll get to attract more consumers who appreciate what you’re doing to make the planet a safer place for all, and it’s just a matter of time before you’ll get recognised on newsletters, blogs, and social media in general. 

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