Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
menstrual cup low cervix

Over your menstrual cycle, your cervix changes position many times. For instance, preparing for conception may increase alongside ovulation or decrease so that menstrual tissue can pass through the vagina. Each shift in place, such as pregnancy, is linked to a specific stage in your menstrual cycle or other hormonal changes. Checking your cervix’s position and texture— as well as any cervical mucus — can assist you to gauge your cycle’s location. 

If you are monitoring your ovulation or want to use a menstrual cup, you may find this data helpful. If you wish to use a menstrual cup low cervix or the average size, it can assist you in deciding.

What To Do Before Identifying  Your Cervix 

Your cervix within your body is fairly deep. It functions as a pathway that connects your lower uterus to your vagina. Doctors typically insert unique tools into your vagina to access the cervix, such as a speculum. While you can safely use your fingers to try this at home, feeling or locating your cervix is not always easy. 

There are a number of reasons why you may not be in a position to do so, and none of them cause concern. You may have a lengthy vaginal canal, for example, which makes it hard to achieve the cervix, you may ovulate, so your cervix is greater than normal, and your cervix may settle in a greater place during pregnancy.

How To Find Your Cervix

You can find your cervix by doing some useful tips such as making sure that you empty your bladder before you begin. Do not forget to wash your hands with warm water and soap then you can position yourself in your most comfortable way to reach your cervix and using a mirror can help to see your cervix also try to use a lubricant to make it easier. 

You can now start and insert the index or your middle finger into your vagina then feel the middle cervix for a narrow opening. Try to record your observations by writing them down or with the use of an app to track the changes. 

When Should You Not Do This?

If you have an active infection then you should not check your cervix. This involves infection with the urinary tract or infection with the yeast. Also, if you are pregnant and your water has broken, you do not want to inspect your cervix. Doing so may increase your and your pregnancy’s risk of infection.

Different Characteristics You Will Observe During Changes 

Various characteristics can affect the position and height of your cervix, and that happens during the follicular phase. It is when the body is preparing the uterine lining to attach the fertilized egg. Other changes will occur during ovulation when the estrogen levels are rising that causes the lining to be thick, and you may feel that your cervix is sofer. During the luteal phase, you can observe that your cervix may still feel soft and the mucus will get thicker, sticky, and cloudy in appearance. 

Also, watch out your cervix during menstruation because, at this point, it is open, which allows the blood and uterine tissues to flow away. The position of your cervix usually is lower; therefore, it is easier to feel during your menstruation. You may also notice changes when you are having sexual intercourse. The cervix will switch from higher to a lower position, and it is only a natural change of it, so nothing to worry.

Your cervix may remain slightly open for some time as your uterus begins to return to its pregnancy size. Some individuals discover that after vaginal pregnancy, their cervix remains more open than it was before.  Usually, the cervix will gradually increase until it reaches its most common postpartum position. With time, it will also start firming up.

When To See A Doctor Or Is It Really Necessary? 

See a physician or other supplier if you inspect your cervix frequently and notice modifications like cysts, polyps, or other lumps. While these may be ordinary cervical modifications, further examination is warranted. The same applies if you use a mirror to look at your cervix and see visible changes on your cervix, such as red, blue, or black lesions. These can be a sign of a disease underlying, such as endometriosis. 

What Do The Menstrual Cups Have To Do With The Cervix?

For most of the time, buying a pair of jeans that don’t fit you is a slightly uncomfortable experience. Well, imagine, purchase something that doesn’t suit your vagina. If you understand the length of your vaginal canal, you can choose your body’s most exceptional menstrual cup. 

Menstrual cups come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, but what’s important is that it sits below your cervix to collect the flow, while being entirely inside the vagina (the system and everything). To find out your measurements, check your cup’s size, and see how it measures before you purchase.


There are many changes in our body, and we know very little that it is essential to notice them, especially in our private areas. By choosing a menstrual cup, wanting to conceive or want a healthy lifestyle, knowing how it works can affect our daily lives. So we have to create it a habit to study our body more so that we can take care of it as much as we take care of our lives.

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