Sat. Sep 7th, 2024
instagram feed

When a visitor lands on your profile, the first thing he sees is your Instagram feed. You can stop them by creating on-brand content that can align with your brand as a whole. It’s time to revamp your strategy and not focus on how individual posts look like but see how each post in the grid. Planning the feed content in advance is indeed a worthwhile investment. Here are some of the crucial steps you should know before diving into actual plans and tricks that help you to create a long-lasting impression.

Come up with the visually stunning aesthetic of your Instagram profile

The most crucial thing you need to decide is how your Instagram aesthetics should like. The best way is to start looking at your competitors’ page. Different variants follow some pattern in the composition. You can pick one from them to give your profile a more branded appearance.  You can choose any theme from bright and airy to dark and moody. Your brand color, fonts, and texture can help you to come up with beautiful and unique aesthetics.

Find content Related to your feed aesthetics

The next step is what can cast a spell over your chosen aesthetics. This step should be decided before picking anesthetics.  There is always a way to curate amazing content without putting much effort. User-generated content and stock images are some of the best and easiest ways to build aesthetics and gaining maximum Instagram likes.

Stick to same filters to maintain the consistency

One of the easiest ways to create a cohesive Instagram aesthetics is to choose the same filter, or set of filters during the editing process. However, there are a ton of apps available to edit the profile, but we suggest you stick with the reliable and featureful app that can level up your Instagram posts.

Planning Instagram feed in advance

Take time and think about how your posts next to each other look like on the feed. Put serious consideration how these posts will look side-by-side to create balance and meantime not making your overall feed clustery or busy.

Setting aside time to plan for feed

Planning out in advance can help you in many ways however one thing needs to be ensured that while you schedule your future post. Remember they should rightly together. If you don’t put much attention to this, you will eventually lose the rhythm and can end up messing everything. There are many tools that you can use to schedule posts and videos including Hootsuite, buffer, and later. If you are not interested in putting so much effort, you can buy Instagram likes to foster your business growth.


Instagram is about to be the first most used social media platform in times to come.  Primarily it was more famous in teens however with time brands are considering  Instagram as the most important tool to stay a step ahead from the competitors. Planning content in advance is a worthwhile investment that businesses, as well as influencers, are doing.

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