Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

Johanna Lamm has made a name for herself as one of the foremost life coaches in Minnesota, and too in a relatively short time, she has been pursuing her career as a life coach. Adopting a creative and holistic approach to guiding her clients along their healing journeys has been the key to Johanna Lamm’s success as a life coach. 

Hailing from a background in clinical psychology, Johanna shifted her focus to life coaching practice intending to better serve her clients in terms of solving various problems in their professional and personal lives. Johanna shifted from clinical psychology to life coaching because it helped her combine several different healing approaches and allowed her greater freedom. 

Mixing these approaches as she sees fit helps her serve clients in the best possible manner. 

Johanna Lamm Minnesota:  A Radical Shift in Outlook

In a recent interview, Johanna revealed that although she is still somewhat new to the life coaching practice, she already has many happy clients. She considers herself fortunate in this regard, and the fact that she has been able to repay her faith in clients is a source of immense satisfaction for her. 

In addition, it also helps reinstate her belief that she was right in shifting from clinical psychology to life coaching. 

So, precisely what triggered Johanna’s decision to leave the world the world of clinical psychology for good in favor of an integrative life coaching practice? According to Johanna Lamm Minnesota’s admission, in her role as a clinical psychologist, she felt somewhat constrained and restricted when providing fruitful and long-lasting solutions to her clients. 

The very nature of mainstream psychology dictates that a client’s problems are defined chiefly in terms of pathologies and labels. However, Johanna had more faith in an individual’s strengths and abilities for positive growth. 

For the most part, Johanna’s belief in an individual’s ability to improve her situation was informed by the extensive readings she was engaged in, mainly involving alternative approaches to healing and problem-solving. 

According to Lamm, the books that have played a massive role in providing new perspectives on treating and healing trauma include “Full Catastrophe Living” by Jon Kabat-Zinn, and “My Grandmother’s Hands” by Reshma Menakem, and “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van der Kolk. 

Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program has already been famous among practitioners of alternative healing practices. The book details the program’s different aspects and how the mind-body-spirit connection works.

On the other hand, Van der Kolk’s book is still considered to advance the radical idea that traumas we undergo continue to reside in our bodies. The book is also famous for promoting many novel approaches, such as using different body-oriented therapies, including the mindfulness meditation practice mainly developed by Kabat-Zinn. 

Finally, Menakem’s Book, which deals with racial trauma, echoes Van der Kolks’ central thesis in describing how racial trauma stays stored in our bodies. Menakem emphasizes the helpfulness of alternative healing practices, such as movement rituals, mindfulness yoga, exercise, and more.  

Johanna Lamm and Her Initiation into the Life Coaching Practice

The somewhat lengthy description above regarding Johanna Lamm’s change in outlook is crucial to understanding the different methods she uses as a successful life coach. With broadening her outlook, Johanna Lamm Minnesota began attending certification courses in life coaching, wellness coaching, spiritual and mindfulness coaching, and advanced yoga. 

And attending these courses (and subsequently receiving the respective certifications) prepared Johanna well for her life coaching business. More importantly, her training in these alternative methods consolidated her belief that she can help her clients live more fulfilling lives using these different approaches as a counselor.

Lamm relates that she mixes and mingles these different approaches in her life coaching business as the occasion demands. Apart from healing from trauma, these different methods, according to Lamm, do a far better job than clinical psychology when it comes to teaching her client self-love, dispelling myths about body image, helping manage eating disorders and self-destructing and addictive behaviors, improving communication skills in personal relationships, etc. 

Johanna Lamm Minnesota Methods: Two Examples

Lamm relates that one thing that has inspired her to become a life coach is her genuine compassion for her fellow human beings. Having experienced a troubled childhood, Johanna understands how difficult it is to cope with the pain that often seems unmanageable. 

So, she describes how she helped a married woman get out of an abusive relationship on one occasion. She mentions that many will regard that the woman in question must have been weak-willed to continue living in that abusive atmosphere for years. 

However, Lamm explains that getting out of an abusive relationship is more complex than people commonly believe. It took her several long sessions with the woman to make her see her points of strength finally, find her voice and convince her to leave that unhealthy relationship.

Yet, on another occasion, one of her regular clients was in excruciating mental pain, and before they could start talking, the woman silently started crying. And Lamm relates that she continued crying for the entirety of the 45-minute long session. 

Lamm said that she understood that the crying translated into a release for the woman. Since Johanna never interrupted her, she felt she achieved a lot during that session without needing a minor verbal exchange. 

These two examples show how Johanna Lamm’s genuine devotion to her work and clients and her willingness to adopt different approaches according to the situation’s needs have been pivotal to her success as a life coach in Minnesota.

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