Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

You may have heard about ‘moderation’ and may even know the meaning of it according to Oxford or Cambridge dictionary. However, you may not know its significance when it comes to your eating habits, especially your snacking habits.

In essence, moderation means eating only that much of food which is needed by your body. In fact, it means you do not ‘overeat.’ If you put it in much simpler way, moderation in eating means feeling content at the end of your meal but not stuffed or bloated.

However, in most of the cases and for most of the people the meaning of moderation is often misunderstood or misrepresented. Most people feel that moderation means eating less. In doing so, people even eliminate the foods that they love. For example:

  • Eating bacon in your breakfast once a week can be considered as moderation. However, you will need to follow it up with a healthy diet during your lunch or dinner.

  • On the other hand, if you follow it up with a sausage pizza or even a box of donuts it will be far from being considered as moderation of food.

The reasons that the expert dieticians forbid banning any specific food from the diet chart but include it in moderation are:

  • You will have the natural craving for that particular food even more

  • You will develop a feeling of failure and depression in you and

  • As a result you will give in to your temptation and harm your body and health in the process.

Therefore, there is no need to thing that a few specific foods, especially those that you love, as ‘off-limits.’ Instead, you should have it in ‘moderation.’

Reducing portion size

The best approach for moderation of food is to start by reducing the portion sizes of your food, especially those unhealthy foods. You should not eat these foods often as well. When you reduce the intake of such unhealthy foods it will help you in two specific ways such as:

  • You will find yourself craving less for such favorite or unhealthy foods and

  • It will help you to think these foods as your occasional indulgences only.

Easier said than done, you will have to be very diligent with your food choices, especially if you are a regular to those local restaurants with your family or friends. The best approaches while dining out are:

  • Thinking of smaller portions

  • Choosing a starter rather than an entrée

  • Splitting a dish irrespective of the amount of food in it with your friend or family member and

  • Not ordering for any food or snacks delivery that comes in ‘supersize or amount.’

On the other hand, when you are at home you should take visual cues. This will help you a great deal to maintain your portion size. You must make sure that:

  • Portion sizes of serving of meat, fish, or chicken is not more than the size of a deck of cards

  • Include half a cup of mashed potato

  • Have rice or pasta not more than the size of any traditional light bulb and

  • Have your food on smaller plates or in bowls instead of a large dinner dish.

These processes will trick your brain and make it think that you are having a larger portion though you are not in real terms. However, it is natural that if you are a beginner into ‘moderation of food,’ you may not feel satisfied after having your meal. The best way to feel satiated is to add more leafy greens.

Take your time

You may also snack quite often to round off your meal but make sure that your snack items are healthy as well such as a fruit. However, maintain the frequency and interval between your snacks and your meals to have the best results.

In order to make sure that you take your time, you must make sure that you tarry a little and consider your food as a source of nourishment more than items that you love to or have to just gulp down in between the meetings in your office or on your way to pick up your kids from school.

  • Timing is very important in your moderation effort as it will prevent overeating due to improper timing and less time interval between your snacks and meals.

  • Proper timing will also help you to provide just a few minutes to your brain to trick it and send signals to your body that will make you as well you to feel that you have had enough food.

Proper timing does not only involve spacing your meals and snacks but it also involves several other things such as:

  • Eating your food slowly chewing it properly to add time

  • Stopping eating before you feel you are full

  • Eating with others as and when possible if not always

  • Avoid eating alone especially while watching TV or in front of the computer.

If you time your meals, eating process and habits it will save you from mindless overeating, which is one of the most important aspect of moderation.

Limit snack foods

Snacking is good but too much of it can do more harm than good. Therefore, make sure that you limit your snack foods at home and also be very careful about the type of foods you store in the kitchen. Why? This is because it will be more challenging for you and may also result in your failure in your moderation techniques if you have unhealthy snack items and treats ready in hand and easily accessible.

The best you can do is to surround yourself in your home, office and even while on the go with healthy snacking options.

At times, when you want to have a special treat, you should not abstain from it but reward yourself with it by going out and getting it only then. This will help you in moderation and control your emotional eating.

Therefore, moderation will help you to regain control over your eating habits, emotional or otherwise, and stay healthy.

By admin

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