Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

What is MSUM D2L?

Msum d2l is a learning management system developed by Moodle, the award-winning open source, online learning software.

D2L is best described as Web-based course management and educational system. It helps educators to organise courses, work collaboratively with learners in online forums, and create assignment submissions. The software can be used as a standalone LMS or as an add-on for other Web applications like Blackboard or Caktus Learning. 

D2L is installed at more than 18,000 educational institutions across the globe and is the most widely used LMS (or learning management system) in Africa.

Close-up image of programer working at his desk in office Free Photo

According to its website, D2L also offers 60 languages of which most are free. The central administration of D2L is located somewhere just outside Leiden, Netherlands. It was previously based in Ann Arbor, Michigan and London, United Kingdom. On this location, the development and maintenance team work closely together with European users and partners. 

MSUM subscribes to the University of Michigan’s policies for software users: 


These rules dictate that all software including D2L must be used in compliance with the rules and regulations of the University of Michigan, which is consistent with its use on other universities around the globe. It is a legal requirement that all University of Michigan students and staff abide by these rules and regulations when using any university software.

MSUM uses D2L in the following ways: 

Currently, MSUM is one of the largest users of Moodle in South Africa. 

D2L has an array of features and services used by MSUM, such as:

ALSO READ: Msum D2L Login Guide (Updated 2021)

The University of Michigan and many other institutions around the world are using D2L to expand their marketing outreach and student experience. See the following list of institutions currently using D2L: 

D2L is compatible with many operating systems and browsers, such as:

A user account on D2L will expire after one year. Accounts can be renewed from within D2L but only if the user has access to their username and password, which are not sent to the user when their account is created.

A password reset request should be sent to supporthelp@umich.edu as soon as possible after forgotten password requests have failed. A reset request is sent to the email address registered with D2L and must contain evidence of ownership, usually in the form of a username and a hard copy of their first email from D2L.

There are many options for students to navigate through D2L and gain access to the components that they require. Here are three examples:

D2L allows students to submit assignments online, which can then be graded by faculty or other qualified staff. For more info visit Ideal Magazine.

Login Details

If you are a current _____ student at MSUM, this post will give you the login information for the Msum d2L system.

The Department of Learning and Teaching has a self-service learning management system, often called D2L. This is where faculty and students can create assignments, grade them, access resources that have been made available to our campus community through our open curriculum.

If you are a current MSUM student, this is how you access the system:

1) log in to Gmail

2) You will need to set up a new email for D2L. This is the one that will access your documents. So be sure to change this email, or we won’t be able to access any of your work! We recommend setting up a new account because it is easier and more secure.

This email address will be your username on D2L.

username@d2l.msum.edu (this is not the same as your Gmail/USMail account)

All you need to use the MSUM D2L is that account name and your USMail/Gmail password to login.

3) After this set up, you can login by going here: https://app.d2l.msum.edu/cw/login.jsp?d2lportal_url=ud2l

There will be a prompt to enter your username and password. That’s it!

You will not need a username for the website, it just needs to be linked to the email address you created earlier.

Author Bio:
Gourav Das is an irreverent copywriter and business writing coach. He’s on a mission to stamp out gobbledygook and to make boring business blogs sparkle.

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